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News Release
Nurse Staffing Advisory Board to hold ad hoc meeting on civil monetary penalties - 11/29/22

November 28, 2022

Contact: Jonathan Modie, 971-246-9139, PHD.Communications@oha.oregon.gov

Nurse Staffing Advisory Board to hold ad hoc meeting on civil monetary penalties

What: The Nurse Staffing Advisory Board is holding an ad hoc meeting to discuss civil monetary penalties.

Agenda: Review meeting agenda and items available in ad hoc board packet; CMP Committee recap; review written public comments received to date; public comment; discuss written and oral public comment, and recommendations to OHA on CMP process; summarize meeting, next steps.

The agenda and meeting materials will be available as a meeting packet on www.healthoregon.org/nursestaffing.

When: Friday, Dec. 2, 3–5 p.m.

Where: Zoom. To receive meeting login information, register for the meeting here: https://www.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJItduysqzsoHM0844EYrPDbM3hLH4_Hle8

Background: The Nurse Staffing Advisory Board advises Oregon Health Authority on the administration of Oregon’s nurse staffing laws; identifies trends, opportunities and concerns related to nurse staffing; makes recommendations to OHA based on those trends, opportunities and concerns; and reviews the enforcement powers and processes under Oregon’s nurse staffing laws.

Program contact: Kimberly Voelker, Mailbox.nursestaffing@odhsoha.oregon.gov


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  • Sign language and spoken language interpreters
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If you need help or have questions, contact Kimberly Voelker, MPH at 971-803-0914, 711 TTY or kimberly.n.voelker@dhsoha.state.or.us at least 48 hours before the meeting.

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