Oregon State Police

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News Release

Oregon State Police Launches New Permit To Purchase Webpage December 8, 2022- Oregon -12/07/22

An injunction has delayed the implementation of Ballot Measure 114.  With that new information, we wanted to give you an update on what it means here at the Oregon State Police.

The OSP’s Firearms Instant Check System (FICS) unit will continue to work to process and resolve the pended/delayed FICS transactions. This delay of implementation will allow firearm sales to continue being processed under the current law.

OSP continues to work with our partners to set up the Oregon Permit to Purchase program with our partners at the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association (OSSA) and the Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP).  OSSA and OACP are still working through the training requirement portion of the application process. 

At this time, Permit Agents are not able to accept or start processing Permit to Purchase applications. On December 8, 2022, OSP will be launching a “Permit to Purchase” webpage with preliminary information such as the Permit to Purchase Application, a description of the steps for acquiring a permit, as well as other information including answers to questions that we are anticipating.  


The Oregon State Police recognizes the impact this measure will have and is working diligently through this very complex measure to provide everyone with the most up-to-date information.

Attached Media Files: Template.pptx,