Oregon Dept. of Corrections

Emergency Messages as of 1:53 PM, Sun. Feb 9

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News Release

Two Rivers Correctional Institution Reports In-custody Death (Photo) -02/10/24

An Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) adult in custody, Michael Kent Ball, died the morning of February 10, 2024. Ball was incarcerated at Two Rivers Correctional Institution (TRCI) in Umatilla and passed away at a local hospital. As with all in-custody deaths, the Oregon State Police have been notified.

Ball entered DOC custody on September 23, 2014, from Multnomah County with an earliest release date of February 18, 2028. Ball was 77 years old.

DOC takes all in-custody deaths seriously. The agency is responsible for the care and custody of 12,000 individuals who are incarcerated in 12 institutions across the state. While crime information is public record, DOC elects to disclose only upon request out of respect for any family or victims.

TRCI is a multi-custody prison in Umatilla that houses approximately 1,800 adults in custody. TRCI participates in prison industries with Oregon Corrections Enterprises including institution and industrial laundry, mattress manufacturing, and sewing. Other institution work programs include reparation and cleaning of irrigation ditches, maintenance of local baseball fields, and work with local cities and the Hermiston School District. The facility provides a range of correctional programs and services including education, religious services, and behavioral health services. TRCI opened in 2000.




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