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News Release
Rogue River with boaters
Rogue River with boaters
State agencies seek community feedback on Upper Rogue River recreation & preservation (Photo) - 05/09/24

MEDFORD, Oregon— The Oregon Departments of Parks and Recreation (OPRD), Fish and Wildlife, State Lands and Oregon State Marine Board are seeking to better understand how Jackson County residents and visitors would like to enjoy and protect a 31-mile stretch of the Upper Rogue River between former Gold Ray Dam site and Lost Creek Dam.

The agencies have hired Oregon’s Kitchen Table, a community engagement organization, to assist in the effort. The organization will conduct a survey and convene several community conversations in English and Spanish now through July 5. 

This effort stems in part from an earlier OPRD community engagement about the possibility of a jet boat concessionaire agreement at TouVelle State Recreation Site last year. That process revealed community concerns about the impacts of jet boats on recreational access and fish and wildlife habitat. The concessionaire idea did not move forward. 

The concession discussion did highlight community interest in shaping the use of the waterway beyond the boundaries of TouVelle. It inspired this broader conversation involving multiple agencies to understand the values, beliefs and expectations of community members and visitors for the Upper Rogue River between the former Gold Ray Dam site and Lost Creek Dam.

Community members and visitors are encouraged to share their viewpoints about the Upper Rogue River. Opportunities include a survey available in five languages, hosting materials so anyone can hold a Kitchen Table Conversation and regional and culturally specific community conversations. Food provided at in-person events. Registration requested English and Spanish:

  • May 22, 6-8 p.m. - Zoom (English with Spanish interpretation).
  • May 30, 6-8 p.m. - Shady Cove Middle School (Spanish interpretation by request)
  • June 4, 5:30-7:30pm - Touvelle State Park (Spanish interpretation by request)
  • June 17, 5:30-7:30pm - Jackson County Library, Medford Branch (English and Spanish)

Once the community conversations and survey conclude, Oregon’s Kitchen Table will prepare a report summarizing community feedback. The report will be shared with the public, and the information in the report will help inform future management plans for the state agencies.

Oregon’s Kitchen Table project manager Eliot Feenstra of Josephine County will lead the public engagement effort. Anyone with questions or opportunities to connect directly with community members and groups, please contact him at info@oregonskitchentable.org

Oregon’s Kitchen Table is a non-partisan, non-profit community organization dedicated to helping Oregonians have a voice. 

Attached Media Files: Rogue River with boaters , Rogue River
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