Oregon Nurses Assn.
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News Release
Frontline nurses at Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center in Gresham announced their intent to join the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) March 6, 2023. Photo courtesy of the ONA.
Frontline nurses at Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center in Gresham announced their intent to join the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) March 6, 2023. Photo courtesy of the ONA.
Media Advisory: Legacy Nurses Leading Picket at Mount Hood Hospital in Gresham Oct. 16 (Photo) - 10/16/24

TODAY: 400+ frontline nurses at Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center are uniting to improve patient care and ensure their community has a voice in their healthcare decisions as OHSU acquisition looms.

Nurses, healthcare providers and community leaders are holding an informational picket and public rally outside Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center Wednesday, Oct. 16 from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. 

ONA Nurses Informational Picket
Wed. Oct. 16
4:30 - 6:30 p.m. 
Speakers at approx. 5:45
Public Sidewalks outside Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center
24800 SE Stark St, Gresham, OR 97030

Scheduled speakers including Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) nurse leaders, community allies and elected officials including Oregon State Representative Zach Hudson. Speaker schedule is subject to change. 

Local nurses, doctors, caregivers, union allies and community supporters. The Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) represents more than 400 frontline registered nurses at Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center. Providers at Mount Hood care for more than 275,000 people living in east Multnomah County and the greater Mount Hood community.

Local nurses have been working without a contract since they organized in April 2023. Legacy executives have refused to respond to basic contract proposals and seem uninterested in planning for the hospital and community’s future. The same local nurses who successfully led the community effort to save the Family Birth Center in 2023, are demanding Legacy executives take action to ensure residents have access to high-quality, safe and affordable healthcare in east Multnomah County ahead of a potential OHSU acquisition.

Your nurses are fighting for a fair contract because we believe our community deserves better healthcare, safety, and security now.   

Community members are encouraged to join us at the event to hear directly from local nurses and healthcare providers, ask questions, and share concerns and stories about their own health care experiences at the hospital. 

Media members are encouraged to attend to capture the voices and stories of frontline nurses and inform the community about patient care conditions at the hospital. 

Wednesday’s event is outdoors and will be held rain-or-shine. All event participants are asked to follow guidance from designated rally officials and safety personnel. An informational picket is not a strike or work stoppage. It is a public demonstration of solidarity as nurses and community members work to raise our community’s healthcare standards. 

Local nurses are scheduled to meet with Legacy executives again on Oct. 17 for their 18th contract negotiation session.


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