Oregon Nurses Assn.
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News Release
ONA Statement on Oregon Senate Republican Walkout: Do Your Jobs for Nurses and All Oregonians - 05/25/23

The Republican walkout at the Oregon Senate, denying quorum needed to pass any bills, threatens a crucial, life-saving safe staffing bill that would help address Oregon’s ongoing nurse staffing crisis by protecting both nurses and patients. 

HB 2697, the Oregon Nurses Association’s landmark safe staffing bill, (along with millions of dollars in health care workforce development funds), has bipartisan, bicameral support, and no stakeholder opposition. This hospital staffing package would not only improve patient care during a time when Oregonians are deeply concerned about the quality of their health care services but would also address decades-long concerns related to working conditions for nurses, recruitment of new nurses to the field, and retention of our state’s existing nursing workforce. 

Hundreds of other bills on housing, education, health care access, infrastructure and more are in threat of dying because senators are not doing the jobs we elected them to do. These issues are, by definition, matters of life and death. They are simply too important for Senate Republicans to ignore. 

ONA and our 16,000 represented nurses and allied health workers across the state call upon Senate Republicans to return to the Senate floor immediately to do their jobs for nurses and their patients, and to protect our vital democracy.

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