02-22-24 Commissioners Issue Proclamation Honoring FFA Week In Douglas County (Photo) -02/22/24
February 22, 2024
Commissioners Issue Proclamation Honoring
FFA Week in Douglas County
(Douglas County, Ore.) Douglas County Commissioners Chris Boice, Tim Freeman and Tom Kress were pleased to issue a proclamation recognizing February 17-24, 2024 as FFA Week in Douglas County prior to their weekly business meeting on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, on the front steps of the Douglas County Courthouse. The proclamation recognizes the important role that the FFA youth programs and agricultural education classes in our local high schools play in providing a strong foundation for youth to excel in leadership roles, realize personal goals, and obtain valuable tools to prepare them for real-world success. A copy of the video presentation can be found on the Douglas County Government Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DouglasCountyeGovernment.
66 area high school students and 7 agriculture science teachers and advisors, representing seven of the nine Douglas County FFA Chapters attended the proclamation ceremony at the Douglas County Courthouse. Douglas County’s FFA Chapters include Camas Valley, Days Creek, Douglas, Elkton, Glide, Oakland, Roseburg, South Umpqua and Sutherlin. In total, Douglas County has over 1,000 youth that participate in FFA competitions, livestock rearing and leadership programs annually. Receiving a proclamation from Commissioners and representing their FFA Chapter today were Emma Stutzman, Camas Valley FFA; Kylar Middleton and Adrian Gherghetta, Douglas FFA; Jasmine Parsons, Elkton FFA; Macy Mornarich, Glide FFA; Zoe Vickers, Oakland FFA; Savannah Kempton, Roseburg FFA; and Jada Gary, Sutherlin FFA. A special shout out to the Days Creek and South Umpqua FFA Chapters that were not able to attend today.
“We are super fortunate to be able to gather here today with our County Commissioners. We really appreciate their support for our FFA Chapters. It is a blessing for all of us to be able to connect around and celebrate this amazing organization that we love. It seems that within the Umpqua FFA District, every week is FFA week. This year started off strong with our annual Umpqua District Leadership Camp with over 150 members in attendance. So many students were there taking giant leaps in their leadership and involvement within their local chapters. This is what FFA is all about, making connections. Connecting with those around us during leadership camp can stick with us throughout the entire year. Competitions for us are like family reunions, perhaps even a little bit more fun. I think we can all agree that if it wasn’t for agriculture, we wouldn’t be here today,” stated Jada Gary, Umpqua FFA District President.
In addition to the presentation of proclamations to each chapter by the Commissioners, two local FFA members were invited to say a few words about why FFA is important to them. Umpqua FFA District Representatives, Jada Gary, District President from Sutherlin FFA and Zoe Vickers, District Secretary from Oakland FFA spoke on behalf of the group.
“There are many aspects of FFA that deserve to be highlighted this week. But one in particular does not get the recognition it deserves. The National FFA Organization allows students to believe in their future. I believe that this district is special. We have shown an influence of success in winning CDE’s and LDE’s to represent Oregon at the National level. We have shown that we are the future of agriculture by our district competing in national CDE’s of nursery landscaping, veterinary sciences, forestry, floriculture, and natural resources. Although the Umpqua District is more than our successes. Our district is full of love and learning about agriculture. As the secretary I have seen the importance of our community on FFA students. Parents have told me how much they love FFA, because they have seen their children become more confident. I have talked to employers about how they are quicker to hire an FFA student because of their foundational skill set. We are motivated, educated, but most importantly believed in. Because the National FFA organization believed in us, we can believe in ourselves and the future. Let this week inspire you to believe in your potential,” stated Zoe Vickers, Umpqua FFA District Secretary.
“Thank you to all the FFA students and advisors that were able to join us today. As Commissioners and business owners we are honored to support our local FFA Chapters through recognition events and fundraisers. It is our privilege to celebrate all of the FFA Chapters in our County and we encourage all of our citizens to do the same!” commented Commissioner Chris Boice.
FFA and agricultural education programs help to provide a future for food production, the fiber industry and natural resource systems, by ensuring a steady supply of young professionals to meet the growing needs in the art, science, business and technology of agriculture in the United States and beyond. FFA is a national youth organization, founded in 1928 as “Future Farmers of America” and officially renamed “FFA” in 1988 to reflect the growing diversity and new opportunities in the industry of agriculture. The Commissioners also want to recognize that the national FFA youth program is not just for students who want to be production farmers, but welcomes members who aspire to be future chemists, veterinarians, government officials, bankers, entrepreneurs, teachers, doctors, scientists, international business leaders, and leading professionals in many fields.
Media Contacts: Tamara Howell | Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Douglas County Public Affairs Office | Office: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email: tjhowell@co.douglas.or.us
Attached: Proclamation & Photos © K.Trenkle/Douglas County. Individual photos available upon request.