Commissioners Issue Four Chaplains Day Proclamation - Boice Bestowed Legion Of Honor Award (Photo)
(Douglas County, Ore.) -- Douglas County Commissioners Tim Freeman, Tom Kress, and Chris Boice issued a proclamation on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at the Weekly Business Meeting calling upon all citizens of Douglas County to observe Four Chaplains Day, on Sunday, February 3, 2025. For more than seventy years the Chapel of the Four Chaplains has told their story and supported the Legion of Honor Awards program all across America, which publicly recognizes and honors outstanding members of society whose lives model the giving spirit and unconditional service to community, nation, and humanity without regard to race, religion, or creed exemplified so dramatically by the Four Chaplains. A copy of the video presentation can be found on the Douglas County Government Facebook page:
The proclamation was presented by Commissioner Boice, on behalf of the Board and acknowledged, "We recognize that February 3, 2025, marks the eighty-second anniversary of the sinking of the United States Army Transport Ship Dorchester by enemy action off the coast of Greenland amid World War II. On this day we honor the four Army chaplains who were on board the Dorchester - Lt. George L. Fox, a Methodist Minister from Vermont; Lt. Alexander D. Goode, a Jewish Rabbi from Pennsylvania; Lt. John P. Washington, a Roman Catholic Priest from New Jersey and Lt. Clark V. Poling, a Dutch Reformed Minister from New York -- for rendering services beyond valor, as they stood arm-in-arm leading those on board in prayer, giving away their own life jackets, as the ship sank into the deep."
Commissioner Freeman presented proclamation certificates to Douglas County's Legion of Honor Chapter Co-coordinators, as well as and previous Legion of Honor Recipients from Douglas County. Douglas County Legion of Honor Co-Coordinators - James Little (Retired U.S. Navy) and James Barnett (Retired USMC). Previous Legion of Honor recipients from Douglas County in attendance: Dan Loomis, Sheriff John Hanlin, Undersheriff Brad O'Dell, Richard Sciapiti, David Hopkins, Neil Hummel, Jim Barnett, Jim Little, Carmen Little, Shelley Johnson, Bill Duncan, Jerry Anderson, Ronald Dukes, and Mary Newman-Keyes. Commissioner Freeman is also a previous recipient.
Co-Coordinator Jim Little thanked the Board of Commissioners for their support, encouragement, and involvement in keeping the legacy of the Four Chaplains and their sacrifice, courage, brotherhood and invaluable American history alive by proclaiming Four Chaplains Day. "You have developed community awareness and an atmosphere of honoring our nation's veterans and a spirit of patriotism that encourages and stimulates programs like ours." Little then veered off-agenda with his signature modus operandi: a surprise award.
Newly installed Coordinator Dan Loomis joined Little at the podium, which cued a procession of friends and family of Commissioner Boice, who unbeknownst to him, were there to witness the presentation of the singular 2025 Legion of Honor award in Douglas County. "I do NOT apologize for keeping this recipient's name secret for the past 12 months," remarked Little. "We are exceptionally pleased to give this well-deserved award which reads, 'The Four Chaplains Board of Directors is pleased to present the LOH award to Chris Boice for the recognition of your lifetime service to all people regardless of race or faith. This award symbolizes for all Americans for all time the unity of this nation.'"
"Thank you, Jim & Jim, for bringing this recognition to Roseburg. Not only is it important to learn the history of the U.S.S. Dorchester but also see local people who honor veterans and do significant things in their communities be recognized. I, like every one of them I'm sure, don't do it for the recognition. We just want to go out and help and do the right thing. I've seen quite a few people get this award, always grateful for the things they've contributed and, like all of them, I don't feel worthy, so thank you very much." -- Commissioner Chris Boice
Douglas County Commissioners proclaimed Saturday, February 3, 2025, as Four Chaplains Day in Douglas County and encouraged all our citizens to honor the Four Chaplain's and the memory of those who perished on the Dorchester that day by stepping up and giving back to your communities in service. To learn more about the Legion of Honor and the Chapel of Four Chaplains log onto their website:
"I'd like to thank Mr. Little and Mr. Barnett for your years of doing this. The amount of effort you put into vetting and honoring the right people is incredible," commented Commissioner Freeman. "More incredible is how you were able to keep it a secret from the recipient. I want to thank Dan Loomis for stepping up to carry on this important tradition. The time we take as a society to honor those people who are doing exceptional work is some of the most valuable work we can do as a community."