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News Release

02-07-25 Meeting Notice - Douglas County Veterans Advisory Committee -02/07/25



February 7, 2025


** Meeting Notice **

Douglas County Veterans Advisory Committee

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


(Douglas County, Ore.) Douglas County Commissioners Chris Boice, Tim Freeman, and Tom Kress are pleased to inform the public that the next Douglas County Veterans Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 11, 2025, at 3:00 pm in Room 216 of the Douglas County Courthouse located at 1036 SE Douglas Avenue in Roseburg, Oregon. 


In compliance with ORS 192.610 to 192.690, we will accommodate any member of the public who wishes to view the meeting.  To view the live stream or post meeting recording, please visit:


For additional information please contact the Douglas County Veterans Service Office by calling (541) 440-4219 or email at   The meeting agenda is attached and can be found on the Douglas County government website at


*Douglas County attempts to provide public accessibility to its services, programs and activities. 

If accommodation is needed to participate in this meeting, please contact (541) 440-4219

prior to the scheduled meeting time.







Date:  02/11/25  3 PM



The next Douglas County Veterans Advisory Committee will take place


Tuesday 02/11/25, 3:00 pm

Douglas County Courthouse

1036 SE Douglas Avenue, Room 216


Agenda Items:


DC Veterans Forum Report

VetNet Report

Roseburg VAMC Update

Veterans Service Office Report

Call  541 440 4219 for information.


Douglas County Veterans Service Office

Rm 7/8, Douglas County Courthouse

1036 SE Douglas Avenue

Roseburg, OR  97470











Media Contact: Tamara Howell | Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Public Information Officer | Phone: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email:

02-07-25 Crab Dock Reopened - Windy Cove Crab And Fishing Dock Repairs Complete (Photo) -02/07/25



February 7, 2025



Windy Cove Crab and Fishing Dock Repairs Complete


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(Winchester Bay, Oregon) The Douglas County Parks Department is pleased to announce that the Windy Cove Crab and Fishing Dock located at 936 Salmon Harbor Drive in Winchester Bay, Oregon reopened on Thursday, February 6, 2025.  The crab dock, a beloved coastal recreation destination, has undergone extensive repairs after suffering structural damage following a high-water event in 2024.


Located in the heart of Winchester Bay, Windy Cove County Park sits at the confluence of the Umpqua River and the Pacific Ocean.  Douglas County is excited to welcome residents and visitors back to enjoy all areas of Windy Cove County Park. In addition to the 900-foot  dock, the park includes a protected beach, ocean view parking, restrooms and day use picnic facilities.  We appreciate the community's patience and support during the repair process and look forward to seeing this local gem once again bustling with crabbing, fishing, and waterfront enjoyment.


The Windy Cove Crab and Fishing Dock was originally built by the United States Coast Guard in 1939 and was primarily used as a Coast Guard mooring and shipping dock until 1959, when operations moved to the newly built Coast Guard Station located at the mouth of the Umpqua River.  Douglas County acquired and repurposed the old Coast Guard dock for local recreational opportunities in the 1970's.   


The Douglas County Parks Department appreciates the public's patience as they work to enhance, improve, and expand recreational experiences in our county parks.  For more information, or to locate a Douglas County Park, Campground or Boat Ramp near you, log onto the Douglas County Parks Department's webpage on the Douglas County, Oregon Government website at:

# # #


Media Contacts: Tamara Howell | Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Public Information Officer | Phone: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email:

Kellie Trenkle, Douglas County Public Affairs Specialist | Office: 541-440-4493 | Cell 541-670-5381 |

Photo Credit: KTrenkle/Douglas County

Attached Media Files: CC.jpg,

02-07-2025 Douglas County Commissioners Deployed To Deliver Meals To Seniors (Photo) -02/07/25


February 7, 2025


Douglas County Commissioners Deployed to Deliver Meals to Seniors


(Douglas County, OR)  Douglas County Commissioners Tim Freeman, Tom Kress, and Chris Boice were deployed yesterday at the request of the Douglas County Senior Services Department to assist with meal delivery and welfare checks in the Glendale area.  Due to adverse weather conditions some of our volunteer Douglas County Meals on Wheels drivers were unable to reach vulnerable seniors who rely on this vital service to remain independent in their homes.  The recent accumulation of snow, ice, and fallen trees made it challenging to access driveways and reach several homebound residents, requiring the use of four-wheel-drive vehicles and chainsaws.  When called upon, the Commissioners willingly stepped in to offer their assistance.


Upon arriving at the snow-covered Special People's Depot in Glendale, the Commissioners were cheerfully greeted by our dedicated Bistro Sixty senior dining site volunteers and staff including Susan Allen, Betty Rowton, Shirley Yarborough and Michelle Dozhier.  While staff and volunteers prepared, packed and counted the meals for each route, Commissioner Boice took charge of the snow shovel and cleared all the walkways around the building to help make access easier for our senior dining hall patrons.  Commissioner Freeman also made sure the dining site was stocked with plenty of rock salt to prevent the sidewalks and decks from accumulating ice.  Each of the three Commissioners was assigned their own delivery route, equipped with insulated bags and coolers, and then sent off to deliver the meals.  In total the Commissioners delivered 47 hot and frozen meals to senior clients in Glendale and Azalea.  On the menu today was chicken vegetable stir-fry, brown rice, spiced peaches, whole wheat bread, chocolate pudding and a half pint of fresh milk.  The frozen meals were a variety of nutritious breakfast and lunch options that the seniors can freeze for future use. 


Lunch recipients were excited to greet and visit with our three Commissioners as they trudged through snow to hand-deliver meals to their doors.  The nutritious meal, friendly visit and safety check help seniors cope with three of the biggest threats of aging: hunger, isolation and loss of independence.  Especially when you consider that a year of meals for one person is equal to the cost of a one-day stay in a hospital. Each year, Douglas County Senior Services delivers over 78,000 meals to seniors in the county, as part of their wide range of critical services for our senior communities.


Douglas County Senior Services Department manages the seven Bistro Sixty senior dining sites that prepare meals for our seniors dine-in and Meals on Wheels delivery programs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at our rural dining site locations in Glide, Glendale, Reedsport, Riddle, Sutherlin, Winston, and Yoncalla.  All seniors 60 and up and their spouses are welcome. Hot meals are available Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 11:30 am to 12:15 pm at each senior dining site.


Senior Services staff know there are others in our communities who could benefit from their Meals on Wheels delivery program and/or meals at their Bistro Sixty senior dining sites.  If residents know of friends or family who are unable to drive, need assistance with daily living activities, would benefit from hot meal delivery, or need other assistance, they are encouraged to call the Aging & Disabilities Resource Connection in the Douglas County Senior Services Department at (541) 440-3677 or by sending an email to


            We need more volunteers!  Our rural senior dining sites and Meals on Wheels programs are successful because of the dedication of wonderful volunteers.  If you are interested in volunteering at one or more of our Douglas County Bistro Sixty senior dining sites and/or Meals on Wheels programs contact Douglas County Senior Services at (541) 440-3677 or Amanda Hilburn at  or (541) 440-4245 or Kellie Redifer at or (541) 464-3893. 




Media Contact: Tamara Howell | Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Public Information Officer | Phone: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email:

Photos Attached: Photo credit T.Howell & K.Trenkle -- Douglas County. Individual photos available upon request.

02-03-2025 Notice Of Meeting - Douglas County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (Photo) -02/03/25


February 3, 2025


** Notice of Meeting **

Douglas County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC)

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


(Douglas County, Ore.) The next meeting of the Douglas County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC) will take place on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 12:00 pm, in Room 310 at the Douglas County Courthouse located at 1036 SE Douglas Avenue in Roseburg, Oregon.


In compliance with ORS 192.610 to 192.690, we will accommodate any member of the public who wishes to watch the meeting via video conference or listen via phone.  Members of the public who wish to watch or listen to this meeting can do so by accessing the options listed on the attached agenda.  For more information about the LPSCC program click here to access their webpage on the county website at or contact Koree Tate at or call (541) 957-7790.


The meeting agenda is attached and can also be found at



*Douglas County attempts to provide public accessibility to its services, programs and activities.

If accommodation is needed to participate in this meeting,

please contact (541) 957-7790 at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting time.









Program Contact: Koree Tate | LPSCC Program & Partnership Coordinator | Douglas County Juvenile Department

Phone: (541) 957-7790 | Email:


Media Contact: Tamara Howell | Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Public Information Officer | Phone: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email:




Attached Media Files: LPSCC.pdf,

Commissioners Issue Four Chaplains Day Proclamation - Boice Bestowed Legion Of Honor Award (Photo) -01/30/25

(Douglas County, Ore.) -- Douglas County Commissioners Tim Freeman, Tom Kress, and Chris Boice issued a proclamation on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at the Weekly Business Meeting calling upon all citizens of Douglas County to observe Four Chaplains Day, on Sunday, February 3, 2025.  For more than seventy years the Chapel of the Four Chaplains has told their story and supported the Legion of Honor Awards program all across America, which publicly recognizes and honors outstanding members of society whose lives model the giving spirit and unconditional service to community, nation, and humanity without regard to race, religion, or creed exemplified so dramatically by the Four Chaplains.  A copy of the video presentation can be found on the Douglas County Government Facebook page:


The proclamation was presented by Commissioner Boice, on behalf of the Board and acknowledged, "We recognize that February 3, 2025, marks the eighty-second anniversary of the sinking of the United States Army Transport Ship Dorchester by enemy action off the coast of Greenland amid World War II.  On this day we honor the four Army chaplains who were on board the Dorchester - Lt. George L. Fox, a Methodist Minister from Vermont; Lt. Alexander D. Goode, a Jewish Rabbi from Pennsylvania; Lt. John P. Washington, a Roman Catholic Priest from New Jersey and Lt. Clark V. Poling, a Dutch Reformed Minister from New York -- for rendering services beyond valor, as they stood arm-in-arm leading those on board in prayer, giving away their own life jackets, as the ship sank into the deep." 


Commissioner Freeman presented proclamation certificates to Douglas County's Legion of Honor Chapter Co-coordinators, as well as and previous Legion of Honor Recipients from Douglas County.  Douglas County Legion of Honor Co-Coordinators - James Little (Retired U.S. Navy) and James Barnett (Retired USMC).  Previous Legion of Honor recipients from Douglas County in attendance: Dan Loomis, Sheriff John Hanlin, Undersheriff Brad O'Dell, Richard Sciapiti, David Hopkins, Neil Hummel, Jim Barnett, Jim Little, Carmen Little, Shelley Johnson, Bill Duncan, Jerry Anderson, Ronald Dukes, and Mary Newman-Keyes. Commissioner Freeman is also a previous recipient.


Co-Coordinator Jim Little thanked the Board of Commissioners for their support, encouragement, and involvement in keeping the legacy of the Four Chaplains and their sacrifice, courage, brotherhood and invaluable American history alive by proclaiming Four Chaplains Day. "You have developed community awareness and an atmosphere of honoring our nation's veterans and a spirit of patriotism that encourages and stimulates programs like ours." Little then veered off-agenda with his signature modus operandi: a surprise award.


Newly installed Coordinator Dan Loomis joined Little at the podium, which cued a procession of friends and family of Commissioner Boice, who unbeknownst to him, were there to witness the presentation of the singular 2025 Legion of Honor award in Douglas County. "I do NOT apologize for keeping this recipient's name secret for the past 12 months," remarked Little.  "We are exceptionally pleased to give this well-deserved award which reads, 'The Four Chaplains Board of Directors is pleased to present the LOH award to Chris Boice for the recognition of your lifetime service to all people regardless of race or faith. This award symbolizes for all Americans for all time the unity of this nation.'"


"Thank you, Jim & Jim, for bringing this recognition to Roseburg. Not only is it important to learn the history of the U.S.S. Dorchester but also see local people who honor veterans and do significant things in their communities be recognized. I, like every one of them I'm sure, don't do it for the recognition. We just want to go out and help and do the right thing. I've seen quite a few people get this award, always grateful for the things they've contributed and, like all of them, I don't feel worthy, so thank you very much." -- Commissioner Chris Boice


Douglas County Commissioners proclaimed Saturday, February 3, 2025, as Four Chaplains Day in Douglas County and encouraged all our citizens to honor the Four Chaplain's and the memory of those who perished on the Dorchester that day by stepping up and giving back to your communities in service.  To learn more about the Legion of Honor and the Chapel of Four Chaplains log onto their website:


 "I'd like to thank Mr. Little and Mr. Barnett for your years of doing this. The amount of effort you put into vetting and honoring the right people is incredible," commented Commissioner Freeman. "More incredible is how you were able to keep it a secret from the recipient. I want to thank Dan Loomis for stepping up to carry on this important tradition. The time we take as a society to honor those people who are doing exceptional work is some of the most valuable work we can do as a community."



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1-24-25 Douglas County Museum Once Again Ranked In Top 100 Best Fan-Favorite Destinations In Oregon (Photo) -01/24/25


January 24, 2025


Douglas County Museum Once Again Ranked in Top 100 Best Fan-Favorite Destinations in Oregon


(Douglas County, Ore) Douglas County Commissioners Tim Freeman, Tom Kress, and Chris Boice, along with Douglas County Museum Director James Davis, are pleased to announce that the Douglas County Museum of Natural and Cultural History has once again been recognized as one of the Top 100 Best Fan-Favorite Destinations in Oregon.  The Douglas County Museum was notified by MEDIAmerica this month that they placed 20th on the list this year.  There are nearly 9,000 destinations in Oregon that are reviewed each year for these awards, and the Douglas County Museum has consistently placed in the top 20 in this category for nearly a decade.  The 2025 winners were chosen based on the number of four- and five-star reviews received during 2024. 


The Portland-based media company MEDIAmerica publishers of Oregon Business magazine and the well-known 100 Best Companies to Work for in Oregon survey, announced the winners of the ninth annual 100 Best Fan-Favorite Destinations in Oregon awards for 2025 earlier this month.  A complete list of winners and an official map marking the winners will be available in late-March. 


This year researchers painstakingly analyzed tens of thousands of online reviews from Google, Yelp and Tripadvisor and ranked them based on their number of four- and five-star reviews compared to their overall number of reviews.  Scores were tallied and combined to determine the level of travelers' overall satisfaction. The scores were then ranked to create the 100 Best Fan-Favorites Destinations list.


Oregon Business magazine plans to once again publish an official Top 100 Best Fan-Favorite Destinations in Oregon map as a guide for visitors and residents to use while traveling the state this Spring.  They intend to distribute over 40,000 copies of the map throughout Oregon at most points-of-entry and visitor/information centers including Travel Oregon Welcome Centers, Portland International Airport Welcome Center, statewide Rest Area Kiosks and local area Chambers of Commerce. For more information about the Top 100 awards competitions click here.


"I continue to remind both our citizens and visitors that the Douglas County Museum is a true local gem, well worth a visit and exploration. This award is a testament to the dedication of our staff, volunteers, and foundation members who tirelessly work to create a captivating and unique experience for everyone who comes through our doors. We're excited about the increased visibility this award will bring to Douglas County and for the chance to tell our story," commented Commissioner Tom Kress.


The Douglas County Museum of Natural and Cultural History is conveniently located off I-5, Exit 125 adjacent to the Douglas County Fairgrounds at 123 Museum Drive in Roseburg, Oregon.  The Museum is open daily 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.  It takes roughly 1-3 hours to tour the museum depending on your pace.  The Lavola Bakken Research Library is open Tuesday through Saturday 1:00 pm -- 4:30 pm.  Admission is free for members, ages 0-4 are free, students 5-17 are $2.00, adults are $8.00, seniors and veterans are $5.00.  The "Museum Mercantile," our museum gift shop, offers the area's leading source of books on Douglas County's natural and cultural history, as well as a wide range of Oregon souvenirs and other great gift items including educational and historic toys.  Click here for more information or discover ways you can volunteer at our Douglas County Museum by calling us at (541) 957-7007.




Media Contact: Tamara Howell | Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Public Information Officer | Public Affairs Office | (541) 670-2804 cell | (541) 957-4896 office


Attached Media Files: 100BFFDlogo2025.png,

1-24-25 Meeting Notice - Douglas County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council - Behavioral Health And Housing Subcommittee (Photo) -01/24/25


January 24, 2025


** Notice of Virtual Meeting **

Douglas County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC)

Behavioral Health and Housing Subcommittee

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


(Douglas County, OR) The next meeting for the Douglas County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council's (LPSCC) -- Behavioral Health and Housing Subcommittee will take place on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 11:30 am via a virtual conference format.


In compliance with ORS 192.610 to 192.690, we will accommodate any member of the public who wishes to watch or listen to the meeting via video or by phone. For information on how you can watch or listen to this meeting, please see the agenda, or contact Koree Tate at or call (541) 957-7790.


The meeting agenda is attached and can also be found at



*Douglas County attempts to provide public accessibility to its services, programs, and activities.

If accommodation is needed to participate in this meeting, please contact (541) 957-7790 prior

to the scheduled meeting time.










Media Contact: Tamara Howell, Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Douglas County Public Affairs Office | Office: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email:


Program Contact: Koree Tate, Programs and Partnership Coordinator | Douglas County Juvenile Department | Phone: (541) 957-7790 | Email:

Attached Media Files: box.png, Agenda.png,

1-24-25 Meeting Notice - Douglas County Traffic Safety Commission -01/24/25


January 24, 2025



Douglas County Traffic Safety Commission

Tuesday, January 28, 2025



(Douglas County, OR) The next meeting of the Douglas County Traffic Safety Commission will be held on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 6:30 pm in Room 216 of the Douglas County Courthouse located at 1036 SE Douglas Avenue in Roseburg, Oregon.  


In compliance with ORS 192.610 to 192.690, we will accommodate any member of the public who wishes to watch the meeting. To view the live stream or post meeting recording, please visit:


For additional information about this meeting, please contact the Douglas County Public Works -- Engineering Division by calling (541) 440-4481 or by email at The meeting agenda can be found at



*Douglas County attempts to provide public accessibility to its services, programs and activities.

If accommodation is needed to participate in this meeting, please contact (541) 440-4481

at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting time.





Media Contact: Tamara Howell | Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Public Information Officer | Public Affairs Office | (541) 670-2804 cell | (541) 957-4896 office





1-21-25 Temporary Closure Notice - Whistler’s Bend County Park -01/21/25



January 21, 2025


*** Temporary Closure Notice ***

Whistler’s Bend County Park


(Douglas County, Ore.)  The Douglas County Parks Department will be temporarily closing Whistler’s Bend County Park starting tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22 through Friday, January 24, 2025, to complete required hazard abatement work throughout the park to make it safer for park visitors.  The closure will be for the entire park including the access road, disc golf course, boat ramp, and all parking areas.  As with any project, fortuitous conditions could result in the park opening earlier than anticipated, but unforeseen delays due to weather, equipment and material availability could possibly extend the anticipated project timeline.  Please visit the Douglas County Parks Department webpage for updated park closure information


We understand that our County Parks are popular destinations for day use activities such as fishing, swimming, picnicking, disc golf, camping and BBQs, park patrons are encouraged to also consider checking out our large inventory of Douglas County Parks during this temporary closure and improvement project. 


Whistler's Bend County Park & Campground is located 15 miles east of Roseburg near the community of Glide on the oxbow peninsula of the North Umpqua River off Oregon Hwy 138 at 2828 Whistlers Park Road.  This park provides a plethora of recreational activities.  The Douglas County Parks Department appreciates the public’s patience as they continue to improve your recreational experience in our county parks. For more information, or to locate a park, campground or boat ramp near you, log onto the Douglas County Parks Department’s webpage on the Douglas County, Oregon Government website at:





Media Contact:     Tamara Howell, Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist, Douglas County Public Affairs Office | Office: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email: