The DPSST FTO Certification Workgroup will meet at 9:00 a.m. on September 20, 2023, in the Victor G. Atiyeh Boardroom at the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training located at 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, Oregon. For further information, please contact Marsha Morin at 503-378-2155.
Streamed Live on Facebook @
1. Introductions
2. Review FTO Training Development Workgroup Decisions and Recommendations
Presented by Jim de Sully and Marsha Morin
3. Initial Certification and Renewal Process Discussion
Presented by Marsha Morin
4. Certification Compliance Discussion
Presented by Marsha Morin
5. FTO Certification Program Implementation
Presented by Marsha Morin
6. Fiscal Impact Considerations
Presented by Marsha Morin
7. Administration of Field Training
8. Next Workgroup Meeting: TBD
Administrative Announcement
This is a public meeting, subject to public meeting law, and it will be digitally recorded.