DPSST Corrections Policy Committee Meeting 2-11-2025 -01/14/25
Notice of Regular Meeting
The Corrections Policy Committee of the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training will hold a regular meeting on February 11, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. in the Governor Victor G. Atiyeh Boardroom at the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training located at 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, Oregon. For further information, please contact Juan Lopez at (503) 551-3167.
**To view the Corrections Policy Committee's live-stream and other recorded videos, please visit DPSST’s official YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/@DPSST.
Agenda Items
1. Introductions
2. Approve November 12, 2024, Meeting Minutes
3. *Administrative Closures Agenda (The following items to be ratified by one vote)
Presented by Jennifer Levario
a) Kevin Coons, DPSST No. 47210
Basic and Intermediate Corrections Certifications
4. *Randall Broome, DPSST No. 56468; Lane County Sheriff's Office
Presented by Jennifer Levario
5. *Rafael Munoz, DPSST No. 60210; DOC/Coffee Creek Correctional Facility
Presented by Jennifer Levario
6. *Matthew Paton, DPSST No. 44975; Marion County Sheriff's Office
Presented by Jennifer Levario
7. *Marcus Risteen, DPSST No. 58653; Keizer Police Department
Presented by Jennifer Levario
8. *Shelli Taleghani, DPSST No. 60679; DOC/Two Rivers Correctional Institution
Presented by Jennifer Levario
9. *Approval for Changes to the Corrections Career Officer Develpment Self-Study Curriculum
Presented by Julie Collinson
10. *Proposed Rule Changes for Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 259-008-0085
Presented by Jennifer Howald
11. Agency Updates
12. Next Corrections Policy Committee Meeting: May 13, 2025, at 10:00am
Administrative Announcement
This is a public meeting, subject to the public meeting law and it will be recorded. Deliberation of issues will only be conducted by Corrections Policy Committee members unless permitted by the Chair. Individuals who engage in disruptive behavior that impedes official business will be asked to stop being disruptive or leave the meeting. Additional measures may be taken to have disruptive individuals removed if their continued presence poses a safety risk to the other persons in the room or makes it impossible to continue the meeting.