Vocational Rehabilitation Invites Public Comment For Proposed Changes To Rules For Youth Services -12/01/23
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program is seeking community partner comment on changes to its administrative rules regarding youth services and rate setting for these services. The public may testify at public hearings scheduled in January or submit written comments from Dec. 1, 2023 to Jan. 31, 2024.
VR seeks input on proposed changes to youth services, provided in Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 582 Division 150: Transition Services and Coordination for Students and Youth with Disabilities. All input will be reviewed, and the proposed rules may be modified.
Public Hearings
Public hearings will be held virtually in January 2023.
January 10, 2024, 10 to 11 a.m.
Join ZoomGov Meeting: http://bit.ly/46yrvGg
Meeting ID: 161 755 2659
Passcode: 185803
January 15, 2024, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Join ZoomGov Meeting https://bit.ly/3T3rs1W
Meeting ID: 160 818 1559
Passcode: 330517
January 19, 2024, noon to 1 p.m.
Join ZoomGov Meeting https://bit.ly/3GlKKs3
Meeting ID: 161 449 7621
Passcode: 274647
To receive notice of future public hearings, subscribe to receive email updates from Vocational Rehabilitation.
CART and an ASL interpreter will be available at the hearings.
You can request accommodation in other languages, large print, braille, or any other format you prefer to submit public comment or attend a public hearing. Contact Robin Brandt at 503-507-5226 or by email at VR.Policy@odhs.oregon.gov. We accept calls from all forms of relay service for people who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing or have a speech disability. Please let us know of any accommodations at least a week in advance. We will do our best to accommodate all requests.
Proposed amendments
- Describe the rate setting for contracted services provided to students and youth with disabilities.
- Strengthen language committing to statewide pre-employment transition services for all students with disabilities.
- Clarify services for students with disabilities who are potentially eligible.
- Explain services available for youth and students with disabilities eligible for general vocational rehabilitation services provided in an individualized plan for employment.
- Clarify transition services to groups of students with disabilities and youth with disabilities who may not have yet applied for vocational rehabilitation services.
- Describe VR required information and records required for students to participate in pre-employment transition services.
- Explain the set aside of federal funds to benefit students and youth with disabilities, its purpose and how services are documented.
- Move definitions to this Division that are specific to youth services. New terms for youth vocational rehabilitation services are added.
- Clarify the rule contents generally, review grammar and expand the use of plain language.
- Review and update legal references and names of forms and organizations, as needed.
The proposed rules will be posted on the Vocational Rehabilitation rule making website.
Written comments can be sent to Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation, 500 Summer Street NE E-87, Salem, Oregon 97301-1120 or VR.Policy@odhs.oregon.gov.
Updates to OAR 582 align with requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), enacted July 22, 2014, (Public Law No. 113-128) and with state and federal requirements.
Questions? Contact Robin Brandt at robin.l.brandt@odhs.oregon.gov or 503-507-5226.
About Vocational Rehabilitation: Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) assists individuals with disabilities to get and keep a job or advance in their career that matches their skills, interests and abilities. VR staff work in partnership with the community and businesses to provide services that are individualized to help each eligible person receive services that are essential to their employment success