Oregon Dept. of Forestry
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Oregon Department of Forestry Invites Media to Fire Boss Training - 07/01/24

What: The Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Aviation Unit and Northwest Oregon Area are inviting media to their annual Fire Boss training, which will include demonstrations by our Amphibious Single Engine Airtankers. 

Background: On July 2, the Aviation Unit and Northwest Oregon Area will be conducting an introduction to the Fire Bosses with a training component in the field.  This training gives our boots on the ground the opportunity to meet the pilots, become familiar with the Amphibious Single Engine Airtankers, see what the capabilities are, and get practical experience in air-to-ground communications.  

The orientation portion of the training will be conducted at Hillsboro Airport and then the aircraft will depart for Henry Hagg Lake in Washington County. Hagg Lake has been used in the past as a water source for helicopters, as well as the Fire Bosses.  

Details and Visuals:The Fire Bosses will arrive and land at Hillsboro airport and provide the introduction to the aircraft and conduct a question-and-answer session with firefighters. 

After, the aircraft will takeoff from Hillsboro and fly to Henry Hagg Lake where the ground units will then travel to. When the lake is cleared of boaters, with the help of Washington County Parks personnel, the Fire Bosses will scoop and fly to the field location where the hands-on portion of the day will be held.  

There will be several opportunities for interviews throughout the day with trainees and instructors. 

When: Tuesday, July 2, 2022

Starting Location: Hillsboro Airport Aviation FBO, 3845 NE 30th, Hillsboro, OR, 97124

Secondary Location: Henry Haggs Lake, Parking Land, Gaston, OR 97119

Time: 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Hillsboro Airport
           1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. at Henry Haggs Lake

RSVPs are requested, but not required. Please RSVP by emailing Jessica Neujahr, jessica.neujahr@odf.oregon.gov

Central Oregon District enters High Fire Danger July 1 - 06/28/24

PRINEVILLE, Ore. – Starting Monday, July 1, 2024, at 12:01 a.m. on all lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Central Oregon District, the district’s fire danger level will be “High,” and the Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) will be II (two) in MH-1 (portions of Hood River and Wasco counties). 

With continued high temperatures, winds and drying fuels, the district is issuing public restrictions and regulated use closures in recognition of the increasing fire danger in order to reduce the risk of human-caused fires. 

With that in mind, the Central Oregon District restricts the following activities: 

  • Use of fireworks and blasting is prohibited. 
  • No debris burning, including piles and debris burned in burn barrels.
  • Open fires are prohibited, including campfires, charcoal fires, cooking fires and warming fires, except in designated areas. Propane fire pits and camp stoves are allowed but require one shovel and one gallon of water or one 2 ½ pound fire extinguisher on site.
  • Chainsaw use and mowing of dried grass is prohibited, between the hours of 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. One hour fire watch required.
  • No smoking while traveling through or working in any operation area.

In addition to the fire prevention requirements Under IFPL II (two), limited shutdown, the following activities are not permitted between the hours of 1 p.m. and 8 p.m., except as noted: 

  • Power saws may operate at loading sites;
  • Feller-bunchers with rotary head saws;
  • Cable yarding
  • Blasting
  • Welding, cutting, or grinding of metal

Additional fire restrictions or regulations may apply depending on the various fire risks. Check the full list of restrictions at https://www.oregon.gov/odf/fire/pages/restrictions.aspx. 

For more information on the Central Oregon District and fire season regulations, visit https://odfcentraloregon.com/.

The less human-caused fires we have, the less the district’s resources are strained. For tips on wildfire prevention, visit www.keeporegongreen.org.

Adaptive Management Program Committee meets July 2 - 06/26/24

SALEM, Ore. — The Adaptive Management Program Committee will hold a virtual meeting Tuesday, July 2, at 2 p.m. To join virtually, please use the Zoom video conference information found on the agenda.

The committee’s agenda includes:

  • Finalize letter portion of Eastern Oregon Steep Slopes questions package (Substantial decision item)

The meeting is open to the public to attend online via Zoom. Public comments will be accepted near the start of the meeting. Requests for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting by emailing adaptivemanagementprogram@odf.oregon.gov.

The 13-member committee The Adaptive Management Program Committee helps determine if forest practices are meeting their goals to protect natural resources through a science-based and transparent process. The committee sets the research agenda that the Independent Research and Science Team (IRST) implements. View more information on the AMPC webpage.

Board of Forestry welcomes new members - 06/25/24

SALEM, Ore. — The Oregon Board of Forestry welcomed two new members at its June 6 meeting. 

Bob Van Dyk, of Forest Grove, and Heath Curtiss, of Silverton, were appointed by Gov. Tina Kotek to complete the terms of two departing board members, Chandra Ferrari and Karla Chambers, which run through March 2025. The Oregon Senate confirmed their appointments on May 31.

Van Dyk has been involved in forest policy since 1997, first as a private citizen and later while employed by a fisheries conservation group.  His work includes participation in smaller planning efforts, such as that for the Forest Grove Watershed; medium planning efforts, such as that for the Elliott State Forest; and statewide efforts, such as the Private Forest Accord, a process which he co-chaired for the conservation community.  He taught at Pacific University for 20 years after completing an undergraduate degree in history from Duke University and a doctorate in political science from the University of Washington.

"Oregon's is blessed with awesome forests that make our state a great place to live,” Van Dyk said. “But too often we've taken more from our forests than we should have, leaving us with a list of imperiled species.  And now climate change and related fires make it even harder to find sustainable policies. Fortunately there seems to be an increased interest in putting aside old battles to find pragmatic solutions, and I look forward to contributing to that effort through service on the board."

Curtiss, of Silverton, serves as General Counsel for Hampton Lumber. Heath grew up in the mountains of northeast Oregon, earned his degree in Agricultural and Resource Economics from Oregon State University, and graduated from Lewis & Clark Law School with a certificate in environmental law.  Before working at Hampton, Heath was General Counsel for the Oregon Forest Industries Council and an attorney at Stoel Rives, LLP, specializing in natural resources law and policy. Heath also serves on the Oregon FFA Foundation Board.

“Oregon is home to some of the most sustainably managed forests on the planet” Curtiss said. “Maintaining healthy and productive forests in a way that continues to provide a multitude of environmental and social benefits will require a balanced approach that is informed, inclusive, and reflective of the needs and realities of our forests and the communities that depend on them. I believe most Oregonians want the Board of Forestry to strive for such balance and I’m looking forward to being part of the discussion.”

The Oregon Board of Forestry consists of seven citizens nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Oregon Senate. Responsibilities include appointing the State Forester, setting management direction for state-owned forests, adopting rules governing timber harvest and other practices on private forestland, and promoting sustainable management of Oregon’s 30-million-acre forestland base.


Committee for Family Forestlands meets on June 26 - 06/21/24

SALEM, Ore. — The Committee for Family Forestlands will meet virtually on Wednesday, June 26 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. To join virtually, please use the Zoom video conference information found on the agenda

The committee’s agenda includes:

  • Forest Resources Division update
  • Small Forestland Investment in Stream Habitat Program (SFISH) tax guidance
  • Stream crossing presentation
  • Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) guide overview
  • Board of Forestry update
  • CFF annual report

The meeting is open to the public to attend online via Zoom. Requests for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 24 hours before the meeting by emailing committee.of.family.forestlands@odf.oregon.gov.

The 13-member committee researches policies that affect family forests, natural resources and forestry benefits. Based on its findings, the committee recommends actions to the Oregon Board of Forestry and the State Forester. View more information on the CFF webpage.

ODF sends 19 firefighters to New Mexico (Photo) - 06/21/24

SALEM, Ore. – This week the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) filled an order to send 19 firefighters to New Mexico to assist in fighting numerous, out of control wildfires. Many of the firefighters arrived in the state today and the rest will arrive within the next day. The two-week rotation with our New Mexico partners will allow our firefighters to brush up on their skills before Oregon’s fire season hits its peak later this summer. 

The firefighters went to New Mexico under mutual assistance agreements between the states. When wildfire activity is low in Oregon, firefighters can be spared to help in places experiencing high levels of wildfire. So far in 2024, Oregon has deployed:

  • 48 firefighters to Texas
  • 14 firefighters to Alaska
  • Five firefighters to California
  • Two firefighters to Tennessee
  • One firefighter to Washington
  • One firefighter to Florida
  • One firefighter to New Mexico (this deployment is separate from the current one)

Oregon can and has called on those same states to send firefighters and equipment when wildfires here exceed local capacity.

“These agreements help bolster the complete and coordinated fire protection system across the continent and create a cache of reciprocal resources for all of us to call on when needed.” Chris Cline, ODF’s Fire Protection Division Chief, explained. 

So why does Oregon send resources to help other states? Through these mutual assistance agreements with other states, including Alaska, Hawaii and NW Canadian territories, we can share resources with one another, creating a larger, faster comprehensive fire management system.   

“We do our best to answer the call when it comes in from any of our wildland partners as we’ve been on the other side of the equation and we understand how difficult it can be to need help so desperately,” said Cline. “But know that we don’t share these resources without appropriate vetting. Before committing to any out-of-state deployment, we make sure that our own fire management system is still adequately staffed and ready to respond to fires here in Oregon. Serving Oregonians is our first and primary priority.”  

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Adaptive Management Program Committee meets June 24 - 06/18/24

SALEM, Ore. — The Adaptive Management Program Committee will meet at noon on Monday, June 24 in the Clatsop Room, Building C, at the Oregon Department of Forestry headquarters, located at 2600 State St. in Salem. To join virtually, please use the Zoom video conference information found on the agenda.

The committee’s agenda includes:

  • Finalize Eastern Oregon Steep Slopes question package (Substantial decision item)
  • Affirm roads research questions honed by the IRST (Substantial decision item)
  • Introduce process for determining new priorities (Substantial decision item)

The meeting is open to the public to attend in person and online via Zoom. Public comments will be accepted near the start of the meeting. Requests for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting by emailing adaptivemanagementprogram@odf.oregon.gov.

The 13-member committee The Adaptive Management Program Committee helps determine if forest practices are meeting their goals to protect natural resources through a science-based and transparent process. The committee sets the research agenda that the Independent Research and Science Team (IRST) implements. View more information on the AMPC webpage.

The Oregon Department of Forestry is reopening one of the true gems of the state forests' recreations areas, Butte Creek Falls, on June 21.  Pictured is the upper falls, there is also a lower falls
The Oregon Department of Forestry is reopening one of the true gems of the state forests' recreations areas, Butte Creek Falls, on June 21. Pictured is the upper falls, there is also a lower falls
Butte Creek Falls state forests recreation area to reopen after the 2020 wildfires (Photo) - 06/17/24

SANTIAM STATE FOREST, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) is reopening one of the true gems of the state forests’ recreations areas, Butte Creek Falls, on June 21.

The drive into the recreation area goes though ridges and valleys of burned and blacken trees from the 2020 fires.  The deadly Beachie Creek fires killed several people, destroyed homes and scorched more than 400,000 acres.  However, near the recreation area the trees turn green and the area around the upper and lower waterfalls are lush and untouched by fire.

“We were really fortunate the fires skipped over this area,” said Joe Offer, ODF’s Recreation Program Manager.  “The trailhead and the paths to the two sets of falls are open, so is the camping area and the 100-yard shooting range.”

ODF recreation staff and work crews from the South Fork Forest Camp (A jointly run facility by ODF and the Department of Corrections) and the DOC’s Santiam Correctional Institute have been working hard to get the area open after being closed for nearly four years.

“There was a lot of vegetation and debris on the trails,” said Offer.  “But thanks in large part to the adults in custody crews they are cleared and just last week they repaired one of the foot bridges.  The crew had to transport the lumber, tools, and a generator down the trails to get the job done.”

Another major improvement was made after the 2020 fires but is just now opening.

“The 100-yard shooting range was a joint project with Trash No-Land,” said Offer.  The non-profit dedicated to responsible target shoot works to improve safety and reduce fire risks at dispersed ranges across the state.  Funding for the improvements came from the NRA’s Public Range Fund. The range is located on Butte Creek 615 Road just off the Butte Creek Mainline Road. A new gravel backdrop, concrete barriers at approximately 100-yards, parking and new informational signs were all part of the improvements at the former gravel pit.

Most people head straight to the trailhead that has parking for five or six vehicles while there are three campsites for tents at the campground. There is also additional parking at the campground with a connector trail to the main trail that goes to the falls.

“Our future plan is to expand both parking areas, the campground and offer additional camping opportunities within this northern block of the Santiam,” said Offer.  “But right now we just wanted to get everything open then start working on new improvements.”

The area was closed mainly for safety reasons while ODF did post-fire timber harvesting and removed roadside hazardous burned and dead trees. 

“This operation was the largest and most challenging of all ODF’s post-fire restoration timber sales as it was within one of the highest severity portions of the fires’ footprint,” said Kyle Kaupp, Santiam Unit Forester. “It included more than 20 miles of roadside hazard tree mitigation across multiple road systems, all which were accessible by the same travel route to this recreation area.”

 The work in the area was difficult, but careful consideration of high elevation weather, extensive safety measures, technical harvesting systems, and contractor availability were among the long list of factors that allowed the operation to be successful. 

“ODF has also begun to replant trees for the future of the forested areas, said Kaupp.  “So far, nearly 200,000 seedlings have been planted in this specific area alone.”

And the ODF’s work in the area continues so there are still some restrictions.

“There are salvage harvest operations on-going, so one place that remains closed is the High Lakes Recreation Area,” said Offer.  “We are asking folks to not go into that area until all operations are complete and we determine the best way to manage recreation in such a heavily burned landscape.”   

For updates, more information and maps to the area see the Santiam State Forests recreation site status webpage.  For information on all Oregon State Forests recreation sites visit the ODF Recreation website.  For more information on Trash No Land visit their webpage.

Attached Media Files: The Oregon Department of Forestry is reopening one of the true gems of the state forests' recreations areas, Butte Creek Falls, on June 21. Pictured is the upper falls, there is also a lower falls , The Oregon Department of Forestry is reopening one of the true gems of the state forests' recreations areas, Butte Creek Falls, on June 21. , Adults in custody work crews repair a footbridge on the trail to the lower falls. At Butte Creek. Work was performed by ODF Recreation staff, and ODF South Fork Forest Camp work crews operated out of Salem and the Santiam Corrections Institution. South Fork Forest Camp is a jointly run facility by ODF and the Department of Corrections. , Hikers can hear the falls almost immediately as they take the scenic trail down to Butte Creek Falls. There are upper and lower falls, be sure to visit both. , Although not highlighted as often as the upper falls, the lower falls are also worth the short additional hike down to see them. They are on the same main trail. , There are three campsites for tents at the campground. There is also additional parking at the campground with a connector trail to the main trail that goes to the falls. , Adults in custody work crews repair a footbridge on the trail to the lower falls. At Butte Creek. Work was performed by ODF Recreation staff, and ODF South Fork Forest Camp work crews operated out of Salem and the Santiam Corrections Institution. South Fork Forest Camp is a jointly run facility by ODF and the Department of Corrections.
2024 Mid-Willamette Valley Interagency Wildland Fire School begins June 24 in Sweet Home, Oregon (Photo) - 06/17/24

(Sweet Home, OR) Approximately 170 wildland firefighters and instructors will convene in Sweet Home during the last week of June to take part in the annual five day Mid-Willamette Valley Interagency Wildland Fire School. Officials from the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), and US Fish and Wildlife Service host the yearly training to prepare new firefighters for the rigors of fighting fire, both in Oregon's forests and in rural-urban interface areas.

Co-Incident Commanders Chris Mushrush, Fire Planner for Northwest Oregon Interagency Fire Management, and Craig Pettinger, District Forester for ODF South Cascade District, are leading the effort to train firefighters in tactical skills and safety.

“Fire School provides crucial education and training in wildland fire to new firefighters and gives veteran firefighters a chance to refresh their skills and explore leadership opportunities. It’s also an important opportunity to strengthen interagency ties and collaboration." said Mushrush. 

Trainees will learn about fire behavior, suppression tactics, weather, map and compass use, teamwork, leadership, safety, use of engines, tools and hose lays, and fire investigation. In order to get a taste of life in a real fire camp students will sleep in tents at Sweet Home High School and eat their meals in a group.

The training culminates with a live fire exercise on Friday, June 28 just outside of Sweet Home. This presents trainees with a final challenge: applying their newly acquired skills and techniques to suppress and mop-up a real fire.

“Cascade Timber Consulting, a local forest landowner, provides a new field site each year and we are very grateful,” added Pettinger. “The live fire exercise provides an invaluable training experience – working in smoke, hiking through uneven terrain, and working closely with crew members to dig fireline - these are all things they’ll experience this season as wildland firefighters.”

Safety principles of fire training include wearing protective gear, safe use of tools and looking out for hazards. “Safety is paramount in every aspect of wildland firefighting, and it begins with our training exercises,” continued Pettinger. “Working together in a collaborative training setting improves communications and builds effective relationships for all agencies to draw on during fire season."

This year, the field site that will be used for the live fire exercise is located north of Foster Lake approximately 2 miles northeast of Sweet Home. Fire officials urge the public to use caution as there will be increased fire traffic in the area and the potential for visible smoke on Friday, June 28. 

Note to Media: 
This opportunity offers access to both trainee and experienced firefighters as they prepare for the 2024 fire season. Media is required to provide advance notice of your intent to participate, as all media must be accompanied by an agency escort and have personal protective equipment. Please RSVP to Jessica Neujahr by June 26.
Personal protective equipment includes Nomex pants, long sleeve Nomex shirt, gloves, hard hat, eye protection, and boots with Vibram soles. Protective equipment (excluding leather boots) may be available for media to borrow by contacting Jessica Neujahr with ODF.

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State holding open house meetings on wildfire hazard map and community defense programs - 06/13/24

SALEM, Ore. — After two completed sessions in central and northeast Oregon, the state is reminding communities of four remaining open houses about the state’s new community wildfire risk reduction programs. Next week’s scheduled events are in Central Point and Grants Pass. These events will offer opportunities to learn about new defensible space and home hardening standards, as well as the draft wildfire hazard map. 

The resource-fair style open houses are being held in the communities that have some of the greatest levels of wildfire hazard within the wildland-urban interface. Each open house will begin with a short presentation and introductions, but visitors may stop in at any point during the event to get questions answered about the draft hazard map and associated community wildfire programs. 

Representatives from multiple agencies will be present to have one-on-one or small group conversations to help people understand Oregon’s statewide wildfire programs.

  • Oregon Department of Forestry representatives will address questions on administrative rules and hazard zone assessment appeals.
  • Oregon State University representatives will address questions on wildfire hazard science, statewide data sources, and updates to the draft hazard map made over the last two years.
  • Oregon State Fire Marshal representatives will address questions regarding defensible space standards, code adoption process and implementation.
  • Building Codes Division representatives from the Department of Consumer and Business Services will address questions on home hardening construction standards, related code provisions, and implementation.
  • Division of Financial Regulation representatives from the Department of Consumer and Business Services will address questions on home insurance market and requirements of insurers under Senate Bill 82 (2023).
  • Wildfire Programs Advisory Council members will address questions on statewide policy direction for wildfire programs and council business.

Meetings will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on the following dates:

  • Central Point—Monday, June 17, Jackson County Fairgrounds, Mace Building, 1 Peninger Rd., Central Point, OR 97502
  • Grants Pass—Thursday, June 20, Grants Pass High School, 830 NE 9th St., Grants Pass, OR 97526
  • Klamath Falls—Monday, June 24, Klamath County Event Center, Hall #2, 3531 S 6th St., Klamath Falls, OR 97603
  • The Dalles—Monday, July 1, Oregon Military Department Armory, 402 E. Scenic Dr., The Dalles, OR 97058

Find more information on ODF’s wildfire hazard webpage.

To subscribe to information related to updates on the statewide wildfire hazard map, visit the ODF website.

Background: The 2021 Legislature passed Senate Bill 762 that required the Oregon Department of Forestry to develop and maintain a comprehensive statewide map of wildfire risk that included wildland-urban interface boundaries and five fire risk classes by June 30, 2022 in collaboration with Oregon State University. After the initial version of the map was rescinded August 4, 2022, ODF and OSU began gathering feedback and incorporating it into future mapping efforts. 

The 2023 Legislature passed Senate Bill 80 that made several changes to the map including changing the name from a “risk” map to a “hazard” map, reducing the number of hazard classes from five to three, and changing the appeal and notification requirements. 

Written comment or questions about any aspect of the implementation of Senate Bill 762 and Senate Bill 80 may be submitted by email at any time to odf.wildfirehazardmap@odf.oregon.gov.

Central Oregon District fire season begins June 10, 2024 - 06/07/24

Prineville, Ore. – Fire season on all lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Central Oregon District will begin June 10, 2024, at 12:01 a.m. Starting this Monday, the district’s fire danger level will be “Moderate”, and the Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) will be I (one) in MH-4 and MH-1 (Hood River and Wasco County). 

Earlier this year, fire managers were optimistic regarding this year’s fire season due to the higher-than-normal snowpack. However, due to the decline in spring rain, rise in temperatures, and windy conditions, the fine fuels in the district have begun to dry significantly. 

So far this year, the district has experienced 16 fires, of which half were escaped debris burns. Debris burning is the number one cause of human-caused fires. Most Central Oregon counties have also enacted debris burn bans. Be sure to check fire restrictions in your local area.  ODF recommends covering your pile until the rainy fall season, when it’s safer to burn. 

With that in mind, the Central Oregon District will begin implementing restrictions based on fire danger level. Moderate fire danger level restricts the following activities: 

• No debris burning, including piles and burn barrels, unless permitted by the local forester.

• No fireworks on or within 1/8 of a mile of ODF-protected land. 

• Exploding targets and tracer ammunition, or any bullet with a pyrotechnic charge in its base, are prohibited. 

• No smoking while traveling through or working in any operation area.

In addition to the fire prevention requirements Under IFPL I (one), the following will go into effect:

• A fire watch is required for a minimum of one hour during breaks and at the end of the operational period.

Additional fire restrictions or regulations may apply depending on the various fire risks throughout the fire season.

The Oregon Department of Forestry urges residents to not become complacent in wildfire prevention. The less human-caused fires we have, the less the district’s resources are strained. For tips on wildfire prevention, visit www.keeporegongreen.org  

For more information on the Central Oregon District and fire season regulations, visit https://odfcentraloregon.com/. Check your local restrictions at https://www.oregon.gov/odf/fire/pages/restrictions.aspx

Oregon Department of Forestry announces historic boost in funding to support equity in urban and community forestry - 06/03/24

SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) seeks to fund projects that improve urban and community forests in areas of Oregon that need it the most. ODF’s Urban and Community Forestry (UCF) Program received $26.6 million from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) through the United States Forest Service (USFS). Out of this, $10 million will be awarded to the nine Federally Recognized Tribes of Oregon, and $12.5 million will be available for all eligible entities in Oregon. This opportunity promotes equal access to the benefits of trees and aims to get more people involved in tree planting and comprehensive urban forest management.

“This is going to be a game changer for Oregon,” said Scott Altenhoff, ODF’s UCF Program Manager. “This is the largest and most significant urban and community forestry investment in Oregon’s history.”

ODF's UCF Program officially issued the call for proposals for all eligible entities on May 31. The application portal and resources related to this funding opportunity can be found on the UCF subaward program webpage.

Proposals can be submitted starting, July 1, through Sept. 30 at 11:59 p.m. Project funding will range from $10,000 to $750,000 and can be spent over the next four years. The ODF UCF Program can provide support to organizations with project development, grant writing, and performance reporting. 

Altenhoff said that he hopes these subaward programs will support groups who have been historically less likely to apply for grants. “We are excited to empower communities who typically lack access to federal resources. We want to meet communities and organizations where they are at and provide support for their good ideas and projects.”

Hilary Olivos-Rood, ODF UCF Grant Program Administrator, suggests contacting the ODF UCF Program staff if you are unsure whether your program or project proposal meets the eligibility requirements, would like support with proposal development, or need help navigating SAM.gov registration. "The UCF Program will support communities that receive awards in many ways, and UCF program staff are ready to provide assistance and guidance from start to finish."

Olivos-Rood encourages all interested entities, grant networks, and community-centric organizations to share this unique funding opportunity. Engaged communication and outreach will be essential for this new program’s success.