Washington Co. Sheriff's Office
Emergency Messages as of 5:12 pm, Fri. Oct. 11
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News Release
Scene Photo
Scene Photo
Woman's Body Recovered From Hagg Lake (Photo) - 04/19/23

On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, at 2:17 p.m., Washington County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a report of a vehicle driving into Henry Hagg Lake near Boat Ramp A. When deputies arrived, they were told by multiple witnesses that they saw a person in a small pickup truck drive into the lake and sink underwater.

The Sheriff’s Office Marine Patrol, Remotely Operated Vehicle Team (ROVT), and Gaston Fire and Rescue responded to the lake and were able to locate the vehicle. The Lake Oswego Fire and Rescue Dive Team also responded and assisted with removing the vehicle from the lake. Once removed, deputies found the person in the vehicle deceased.

The deceased was identified as 71-year-old Janine Vuylsteke of Forest Grove and her family has been notified. 

Members of the Sheriff’s Office Crash Analysis Reconstruction Team (CART) and the Washington County Medical Examiner’s Office arrived to assist. The investigation is ongoing, and additional information will be released when it becomes available. 

Attached Media Files: Scene Photo
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