Washington Co. Sheriff's Office
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News Release
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Disturbance Leads to Arrest and Large Apartment Fire (Photo) - 02/22/23

On Wednesday, February 22, 2023, at 12:28 a.m., Washington County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a disturbance between a man and woman at an apartment in the 5700 block of SW Oleson Road. When deputies arrived, they contacted the woman at a neighboring apartment who had lacerations and stab wounds to her hands, head, neck, and upper back. Deputies and assisting officers from Beaverton Police Department aided the female until paramedics arrived. Paramedics transported her to a local hospital with serious injuries. 

Additional deputies located the male associated with the disturbance, 35-year-old David Kozak. Deputies then noticed that the related apartment became engulfed in flames and rapidly began spreading to other apartments.

Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue and Portland Fire Bureau firefighters arrived to extinguish the fire. 

Detectives from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Violent Crimes Unit spoke to Kozak and subsequently arrested him for attempted murder, assault in the first degree, and unlawful use of a weapon. Kozak was lodged in the Washington County Jail. 

All of Kozak’s current charges are related to the female’s injuries. Additional charges are pending upon further investigation.

The woman involved in the incident remains stable at a local hospital. Her name will not be released to protect her identity.

The fire damaged approximately eight apartments, and approximately eight residents were displaced. 

Fire investigators from Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue and the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Violent Crimes Unit arrived at the apartment earlier this morning to investigate the cause of the fire. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. 

If you have any information about this incident, please contact Violent Crimes detectives at (503) 846-2700.

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