In order to maximize resources and coordinate efforts, the Portland Police Bureau’s three Neighborhood Response Teams have regularly been working together on special missions to address chronic crime and livability areas throughout the city.
On September 26, 2024, Central Precinct, North Precinct and East Precinct worked in East Precinct to address the area of the multi-use path located near I-205 between Southeast Holgate Boulevard and Southeast Flavel Street. This was done in conjunction with the City’s Street Services Coordination Center.
Officers contacted more than 36 people regarding illegal camping and trespass notifications. In addition to the trail work, the team also addressed abandoned properties at Southeast 103rd and Foster Road.
The mission statistics are:
36 - Subject Contacts
12 - Custodies (all 12 custodies were evaluated for deflection, none were eligible)
7 - Felony Warrants
18 - Misdemeanor Warrants
1 - Vehicle Elude
1 - Vehicle Stop
These missions will continue throughout the three precincts, bringing resources and coordination to address crime and livability issues in Portland’s neighborhoods.
Photo Descriptions:
Structures and tires on the ground
An ATV at an illegal camp
Officers making an arrest