Portland Police Chief Bob Day has selected Commander Amanda McMillan as the new Assistant Chief of the Investigations Branch. Commander McMillan, a 22-year veteran of the Portland Police Bureau, most recently led the Professional Standards Division. She is a recent graduate of the FBI National Academy, which is a professional course of study for U.S. and international law enforcement managers nominated by their agency heads because of demonstrated leadership qualities.
In addition, Chief Day announced the Community Engagement Branch and the Services Branches will be combined, and will be led by Assistant Chief Chuck Lovell.
More information about PPB leadership is available here: https://www.portland.gov/police/chiefs-office/ppb-bios
Other appointments include Captain Jacob Jensen to be the new Commander of East Precinct. Captain Jensen, a 20-year veteran of the Portland Police Bureau, was previously assigned to the Specialized Resources Division.
In addition to these personnel, Chief Day swore in three new lieutenants, four new sergeants and four detectives at a ceremony held today, May 9, 2024. One sergeant and detective were sworn in prior to the ceremony.
The Bureau’s organizational chart can be found here: https://www.portland.gov/police/chiefs-office/documents/police-organizational-chart/download
Photo descriptions:
1-Assistant Chief McMillan, right hand raised, is sworn in by Chief Bob Day
2-A group photo of newly promoted PPB members