Portland Police Bureau

Emergency Messages as of 2:12 PM, Sun. Feb 9

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News Release

Man Dies After January Crash In Concordia Neighborhood -02/16/24

On Friday, January 26, 2024, at 3:13 p.m., North Precinct officers responded to the scene of a major crash on Northeast Lombard Street and Northeast Bryant Street in the Concordia Neighborhood. The collision involved two vehicles, both headed westbound. The initial investigation revealed that a 2014 Toyota Prius was stopped on the side of the road and pulled out into the path of a 2017 Toyota Prius. The driver of the 2014 Prius was transported to a local hospital in what was believed to be non-life-threatening injuries. The Medical Examiner has since informed the Traffic Investigations Unit that the driver died on January 29, 2024. He is identified as Charles E. Preisch, 74, of Portland. His family has been notified. The driver of the second vehicle was uninjured, remained at the scene and was cooperative. No arrests have been made. If anyone has information about this crash and has not already spoken to police, please e-mail crimetips@police.portlandoregon.gov attn: TIU and reference case number 24-20126. This counts as the 5th traffic-related fatalities of the year in Portland, and the year-to-date total is now 12. That may be a higher figure than the Portland fatal crashes counted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). NHTSA’s count excludes crashes involving suicide, private property, non-public roadways, non-motor vehicles, medical events, and deaths that happen more than 30 days after a crash. ###PPB###