Portland Police Bureau

Emergency Messages as of 1:39 PM, Sun. Feb 9

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News Release

Update: Arrests After Fire Set To Union Building, Riot Declared (Photo) -08/29/20

The following people were arrested during the activity described in the earlier release: 29 year old Kristin Henderson, Portland -- Riot, Resist Arrest, Interfering with a Peace Officer 29 year old Joel Brown, Portland -- Interfering with a Peace Officer 38 year old Gregory Urqubart, Lacey, WA -- Interfering with a Peace Officer 32 year old Dustin Gross, Portland -- Riot, Resist Arrest, Attempt Assaulting a Public Safety Officer, Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct II 52 year old Jonathan Taylor, Vancouver, WA - Riot, Resist Arrest, Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct II 22 year old Sierra Mora, Lake Oswego, OR - Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct II, Riot 38 year old Cole Cunningham, Portland - Interfering with a Peace Officer 21 year old Jacob Williams, Spokane, WA -- Interfering with a Peace Officer, Escape III, Riot 26 year old Tristan Bliss, Salem, OR - Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct II 22 year old Kendall Hockling, Eugene, OR -- Riot 27 year old Makenna Jordan, Hood River, OR -- Interfering with a Peace Officer 19 year old Rachel Armstrong, Portland -- Interfering with a Peace Officer 19 year old Angelique Eisel, Portland - Interfering with a Peace Officer 30 year old Justin Wanner, Salem, OR -- Riot, Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct II 35 year old Christopher Ray, Anacortes, WA -- Riot, Interfering with a Peace Officer 31 year old Prisli Maldenado, Vancouver, WA - Riot, Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct II 31 year old Brandon Paape, West Linn, OR - Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct II 29 year old Robert Alvarez, Portland - Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct II One juvenile referred to the courts for Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct II ###PPB### Individuals within a protest gathering set an arson fire at the offices of the Portland Police Association (PPA) building Saturday morning, prompting a riot declaration. On Friday, August 28, 2020 at about 11:45p.m., a march began from Peninsula Park in the street. Many in the gathering were wearing protective gear, including helmets, goggles or gas masks, all black clothing, and/or carrying shields. Marchers arrived at about 12:10a.m. to the PPA building, in the 1800 block of North Lombard Street. They blocked traffic both directions. Someone cut the power line to the building almost immediately. The PPA office has been the site of numerous violent protests over the past few months, and protesters have lit the building on fire several times. It is located in a residential neighborhood and there is concern that any building fire could spread to occupied homes, especially during the current stretch of dry weather. About 10 minutes later, individuals wheeled multiple dumpsters into the road and lit at least one on fire. The fire was in the road and not threatening any structures. In the interest of deescalating the situation, Portland Police Bureau (PPB) officers remained out of sight. However, arsonists put some debris, including a large mattress, against the front door of the building, appeared to spray accelerant on it, and lit it on fire. The flames appeared to engulf the front door area of the building and nearly reach the roofline. Due to the extreme life safety concerns, the Incident Commander declared the incident a riot. A warning was broadcast by loudspeaker that the incident was declared a riot and all persons were to disperse immediately to the north. Failure to comply with the order may subject them to citation or arrest to the use of tear gas, crowd control agents, and/or impact munitions. Officers responded and moved the rioters away from the building so the fire could be extinguished. As officers approached, rioters threw objects at them, including rocks. Multiple officers suffered minor injuries after being struck by rocks. During the response, officers used crowd control munitions. However, no CS (tear) gas was deployed. There was fire damage to the front of the PPA building (photos). Officers also recovered a bottle that contained flammable fluid (photo). An arson investigator responded and gathered evidence of the crime. Officers made multiple arrests. Information about the arrests will be released at a later time. ### PPB ###