Portland Police Bureau

Emergency Messages as of 6:31 PM, Thu. Mar 6

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News Release

Suspect Arrested For Burglarizing Business During Downtown Riots (Photo) -07/15/20

On July 5, 2020, at 12:54 a.m., business windows in the area of Southwest Alder St between 4th and 3rd were smashed by a group during an evening of demonstrations that devolved into riots. During the riot declaration, one suspect entered a business through a broken window in the 300 block of Southwest Alder. The suspect stole a cash register according to witnesses. Portland Police Bureau Officers were in the area of Southwest 3rd Ave and Alder when they were flagged down by the witnesses and arrested 28 year-old Skyler James Smith-Maynard for Burglary II. He was later lodged at the Multnomah County Detention Center. PPB is investigating the crimes committed. If anyone has information about those responsible for the criminal activity, please call (503) 823-3333 or contact CrimeTips@portlandoregon.gov ###PPB###

Attached Media Files: BUrg.JPEG, burg.JPEG, .JPEG,