Oregon Dept. of Forestry
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Families in Lane, Linn, Benton, Douglas, Yamhill and Washington counties recognized for their forest management by Oregon Tree Farm System - 12/09/24

ELKTON, Ore. - The Oregon Tree Farm System honored family forest landowners for the exceptional management of their forests at its annual meeting in November. Top honors went to Douglas County’s Kesterson family as Oregon’s Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year for 2025.

Receiving a Silver Award at the Oregon Tree Farm’s Annual Meeting were Tom and Julia Tibbs of Washington County for their multi-resource management of their 300 forested acres near Buxton.

Others being recognized for exemplary management of their family forests included:

  • Rich Clark from Benton County
  • John and Alesanne Dugan from Lane County
  • Steve and Katie Kohl from Linn County, and 
  • Neil Schroeder and Laurie and Jim Marsh from Yamhill County 

The Kesterson family’s 2,200-acre property near Elkton in Douglas County has been in the family since 1905. Currently under the leadership of fifth-generation owner Gary Williamson, the property is managed for wood, recreation, wildlife and water quality.

The property has approximately nine miles of river frontage along the Umpqua River. Their Big K Guest Ranch offers fishing, rafting, and accommodations for family and corporate gatherings.

The family manages 1,500 acres of forest for timber and wildlife habitat, and approximately 700 acres of pasture and hay fields for a herd of 90 cows.

Wildlife habitat and water quality are a focus on both the forested and streamside areas.

With much to be proud of managing the property, Gary Williamson states that he is most proud, blessed, and honored to be a part of a family that has been caring for the property for five generations, with his children being part of the sixth.

Oregon joined the Tree Farm System in 1941 and has recognized and honored family forest landowners as Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year every year since 1966, except in 2021 the first year of the COVID pandemic.

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This multi-generational Douglas County family was honored as Oregon Tree Farmers of the Year recently.
This multi-generational Douglas County family was honored as Oregon Tree Farmers of the Year recently.
Douglas County family named Oregon's Outstanding Tree Farmers (Photo) - 12/09/24

ELKTON, Ore. - The Oregon Tree Farm System honored family forest landowners for the exceptional management of their forests at its annual meeting in November. They selected Douglas County’s Kesterson family as Oregon’s Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year for 2025.

The Kesterson family’s 2,200-acre property near Elkton has been in the family since 1905. Currently under the leadership of fifth-generation owner Gary Williamson, the property is managed for wood, recreation, wildlife and water quality.

The property has approximately nine miles of river frontage along the Umpqua River. Their Big K Guest Ranch offers fishing, rafting, and accommodations for family and corporate gatherings.

The family manages 1,500 acres of forest for timber and wildlife habitat, and approximately 700 acres of pasture and hay fields for a herd of 90 cows.

Wildlife habitat and water quality are a focus on both the forested and streamside areas.

With much to be proud of managing the property, Gary Williamson states that he is most proud, blessed, and honored to be a part of a family that has been caring for the property for five generations, with his children being part of the sixth.

Receiving a Silver Award at the Oregon Tree Farm’s Annual Meeting were Tom and Julia Tibbs of Washington County for their multi-resource management of their 300 forested acres near Buxton.

Others being recognized for exemplary management of their family forests included:

  • Rich Clark from Benton County
  • John and Alesanne Dugan from Lane County
  • Steve and Katie Kohl from Linn County, and 
  • Neil Schroeder and Laurie and Jim Marsh from Yamhill County 

Oregon joined the Tree Farm System in 1941 and has recognized and honored family forest landowners as Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year every year since 1966, except in 2021 the first year of the COVID pandemic.

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Adaptive Management Program Committee meets Dec. 9 - 12/02/24

SALEM, Ore. — The Adaptive Management Program Committee will meet at noon on Monday, Dec. 9 in the Clatsop Room, Building C, at the Oregon Department of Forestry headquarters, located at 2600 State St. in Salem. To join virtually, please use the Zoom video conference information found on the agenda.

The committee’s agenda includes:

  • 2024 Year in review
  • 2025 Work Plan
  • Discuss amphibians research questions package

The meeting is open to the public to attend in person and online via Zoom. Public comments will be accepted near the start of the meeting. Requests for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at 503-945-7200 or by email at adaptivemanagementprogram@odf.oregon.gov.

The 13-member committee The Adaptive Management Program Committee helps determine if forest practices are meeting their goals to protect natural resources through a science-based and transparent process. The committee sets the research agenda that the Independent Research and Science Team (IRST) implements. View more information on the AMPC webpage.

The Oregon Department of Forestry is seeking nominations for its 2025 Climate Smart Forestry Award program.
The Oregon Department of Forestry is seeking nominations for its 2025 Climate Smart Forestry Award program.
Oregon Department of Forestry seeks nominees for Climate Smart Forestry Award (Photo) - 11/26/24

SALEM, Ore. - The Oregon Department of Forestry is now seeking nominations for the agency's 2025 Climate Smart Forestry Award. The deadline to submit a nomination is Dec. 31, 2024. This award recognizes landowners, land managers, researchers, operators, or other forestry professionals who use climate change-adapted practices, or develop innovative methods for carbon capture, retention, or reduced carbon release. New nominations, including self-nominations are accepted. Instructions and nomination form can be found on ODF’s website.

According to the Awards Selection Committee, the goal of this award is to recognize exemplary climate and carbon practices in Oregon. The Committee wants to encourage more landowners to adopt such practices. In March 2020, Governor Brown signed an executive order that highlighted that the state is experiencing an increase in frequency and severity of wildfires that endangers public health and safety and damages rural economies. The order directed agencies, including ODF, to prepare and plan for the impacts of climate change and to take actions to encourage carbon sequestration and storage.

From that executive order the Oregon Board of Forestry in the fall of 2021 adopted ODF's Climate Change and Carbon Plan. The idea for an awards program arose in response to that plan. 

According to the Awards Selection Committee, the awards are designed to showcase emerging best practices and encourage reductions in emissions and help forests and communities adapt and become more climate resilient.

Specific actions that will be considered for recognition under the award program include:

  • Efforts to improve the climate resilience of forestlands and restore ecological functions
  • Climate Smart forestry practices in growing and maintaining trees
  • Wildfire management, response, and fire or smoke adaptation
  • Carbon reduction or capture in forest operations, such as logging or thinning
  • Innovative research or products that reduce emissions or increase climate resilience

Nominees may include universities, educators, consulting and research agencies, fabricators, forest operators, and private industry firms working on non-federal lands across the state. Anyone can be nominated who’s doing climate-related mitigation and adaptation work or research, and anyone can nominate them.

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Contracted planting crew members plant Douglas fir saplings in the aftermath of the Beachie Creek fire of 2020. The ODF has planted 2.3M trees as part of the recovery effort since 2022 thanks to a $1M grant from American Forests.  The nonprofit American Forests, founded in 1875, plays a key role in helping to create healthy and resilient forests that deliver essential benefits for climate, people, water and wildlife. Visit the American Forests website for more on their work. (Photo credit: Andrew Studer / American Forests)
Contracted planting crew members plant Douglas fir saplings in the aftermath of the Beachie Creek fire of 2020. The ODF has planted 2.3M trees as part of the recovery effort since 2022 thanks to a $1M grant from American Forests. The nonprofit American Forests, founded in 1875, plays a key role in helping to create healthy and resilient forests that deliver essential benefits for climate, people, water and wildlife. Visit the American Forests website for more on their work. (Photo credit: Andrew Studer / American Forests)
ODF completes Santiam State Forest reforestation effort from devastating 2020 wildfires with 2.3 million seedlings now planted (Photo) - 11/19/24

LYONS, Ore.—The four-year effort by the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) to reforest the Santiam State Forest after the 2020 wildfires hit an important milestone this month when the last of more than 2.3 million trees were planted. 

“This was a huge, challenging, and long-term project for ODF,” said John Walter, ODF’s State Forests Silviculturist. “We planted about ten times what we normally would in that time, with no additional staff being hired. The replanting was in steep, rocky, and difficult terrain along with high-altitude snowy conditions for much of the prime planting season. These safety concerns limited the time crews could plant the seedlings. Additionally, we did not have the budget to purchase that number of trees for the 5,600 acres that were scorched in the state forest from those 2020 fires. Even with all those hurdles, the ODF team worked together to make this happen quickly and effectively.” 

And those were just the challenges of replanting, to get to the areas that needed to be reforested, more than 200 miles of roads had to be repaired; and burnt, dangerous trees along those roads had to be removed so crews could safely get to the areas. 

The fastest and most cost-effective way to remove the dead trees and get the roads fixed was through special salvage logging timber sales. 

“This was a gigantic work effort,” said Kyle Kaupp, Santiam Unit Forester for ODF’s North Cascade District. “We typically have a team of one unit manager and five foresters to set up our four-to-six sales for the year. In 2021, we had foresters come in from every district with State Forest ownership to help set up 18 salvage sales, develop road repair contracts, assist with reforestation, and help us through the planning process.” 

Speed is critical for after fire timber salvage sales since the standing timber is only good for about three years before it is unusable. 

“We had advertised timber volume of 50.5 million board feet for the sales which gave us net receivables of roughly $20.25 million,” said Kaupp.   

This revenue would not have been recovered if not for the quick actions of the ODF team. The revenue from all state forests sales is split with approximately two thirds going to the county where the timber was harvested and one third going to ODF to manage state forests. 

“Clackamas, Marion, and Linn counties all received more than typical years of regular harvests. The additional revenue was timely in that it helped the counties in their already monumental efforts to recover from those 2020 fires,” said Kaupp. 

To access the sales areas and to get the salvaged timber out the roads needed to be inspected and repaired. “Many of our smaller road culverts, typically18-inches, are made from plastic and some of these melted from the intense heat of the wildfires,” said Kaupp. “If you don’t evaluate and replace the damaged ones you could get dangerous sinkholes in your roads. The roads are also critical to get to future wildfire starts to put them out quickly and to minimize future losses from fires.” 

As the salvage logging was underway and roads repaired and improved, tree planting was taking place. However, there was still the challenge of paying for seedlings and crews to plant them. 

“We received more than $1million from the non-profit American Forests,” said Walter. “All that funding went toward seedlings costs—we typically plant 360 seedlings per acre and then go back and replant if we do not have at least 200 trees per acre survive.” 

Because of the rough terrain and lack of roads in some areas of the state forest the department also used a helicopter to aerial seed some nearly inaccessible parts of the forest.  

“The challenge with that method is determining how effective your efforts are after a few years since those small seedlings can’t be seen through the other vegetation from our typical aerial surveys,” said Walter. “Our small on the ground sampling in areas we could get to saw a good survival rate considering the conditions.” 

State forests are not just managed for economic benefits, but a concept called greatest permanent value. This takes into account economic, environmental, and social benefits to all Oregonians.  

The social value of the Santiam was greatly reduced right after the fire as most trails and recreation areas were closed due to those dangerous hazard trees and road safety concerns.   

“At the popular Shellburg Falls recreation area bridges, wooden steps and other infrastructure and the trees around the falls were wiped out by the fires,” said Joe Offer, ODF’s Recreation Manager for State Forests. “For the safety of our staff, we had to wait for the salvage logging and road repairs to finish before beginning work on recreation restoration projects.” 

Once again there were no additional personnel or funding to get recreation sites useable again. 

“We relied heavily on volunteer groups and adults in custody work crews from the Department of Corrections to rebuild and realign trails and build new structures,” said Offer.  

Thanks to those cooperative efforts, the popular Butte Creek Falls and Shellburg Falls recreation areas opened this year providing access into some of the forest’s most loved facilities and trails. 

“The only areas that are still closed for safety reasons are the Sardine Creek and Rhody Lake areas. However, we’re working diligently to open both in the near future,” said Offer. 

On the environmental side the 2020 burns impacted wildlife and their habitat. 

“Many people do not realize that the landscape after a wildfire is not a monolithic black completely burned area,” said Mike Davis, state forests Wildlife Biologist. “It’s more of a patchwork type of landscape depending on the severity of the fire in each area. There might be completely a burned area, then a small stand of healthy trees that survived, then trees that look alive but die in a few years.” 

In the middle of that patchwork the biologists were excited to see the first northern spotted owl in the area since 2020. The spotted owl is a threatened species the department monitors throughout all the state forests in western Oregon and Sun Pass State Forest in eastern Oregon. 

“We first saw the owl in 2023 and worked with our contract surveyors to capture and put leg bands on the female owl. It was found again this year but doesn’t appear to be nesting,” said Davis.   

Nearly half of the Santiam was burned by the fires including critical habitat areas for owls.  

“We were excited to see the owl make a return—even if only one. Our hope is it will find a mate and nest next year,” said Davis. 

Under the future state forests habitat conservation plan (HCP) the department is in the process of applying for with federal agencies to ensure both continued timber harvest and protection of threatened and endangered species for the next 70 years, the Santiam will provide a unique research opportunity. 

As part of the HCP, the department will develop and manage habitat conservation areas (HCAs) to maintain and improve habitats of key fish and wildlife species. 

“We'll be implementing landscape-level passive acoustic monitoring to document changes in northern spotted owl use throughout our habitat conservation areas on Santiam State Forest,” said Vanessa Petro, state forests Lead Wildlife Biologist.   

This process uses remote recording devices to capture wildlife vocalizations to more accurately determine what species are in an area. 

“Conducting this type of survey in the Santiam will allow us to document differences in spotted owl occupancy relative to the burn severity patterns within the Beachie Creek fire perimeter. It will also help us better understand how wildlife species are responding to habitat treatments such as thinning that will accelerate the development of late-seral forest characteristics we desire in the HCAs such as large diameter snags and down wood, in addition to a multi-layered forest canopy.  

Another species ODF will be studying is the Oregon slender salamander, which is a federal species of concern found only in the Cascade Range in Oregon. 

“We will also be conducting Oregon slender salamander surveys to better understand their distribution and occurrence on the Santiam,” said Petro “Our long-term monitoring will provide us a better understanding on how their occupancy and abundance is influenced by existing habitat conditions and our forest management activities.” 

Wildfires like the ones in 2020 fueled by strong East winds can move very fast and inflict their damage in a few hours; however, recovery can take years. 

“I want to thank all the staff, volunteers, contractors, partners and community members for their hard work and patience while we worked to restore their forest these last four years,” said Mike Wilson, ODF’s State Forest Division Chief. “This replanting is an important milestone, but we still have more work to do to make sure the Santiam State Forest recovers and remains accessible to all Oregonians.” 

Attached Media Files: Contracted planting crew members plant Douglas fir saplings in the aftermath of the Beachie Creek fire of 2020. The ODF has planted 2.3M trees as part of the recovery effort since 2022 thanks to a $1M grant from American Forests. The nonprofit American Forests, founded in 1875, plays a key role in helping to create healthy and resilient forests that deliver essential benefits for climate, people, water and wildlife. Visit the American Forests website for more on their work. (Photo credit: Andrew Studer / American Forests) , In 2021, ODF had foresters come in from every district with State Forest ownership to help set up 18 salvage timber sales, develop road repair contracts, assist with reforestation, and help with the planning process after the 2020 wildfires. Speed is critical for after fire timber salvage sales since the standing timber is only good for about three years before it is unusable. (Photo credit: Oregon Department of Forestry) , To access salvage timber sales areas after the 2020 fires roads needed to be inspected and repaired and hazardous trees removed. The Santiam State Forest roads are also critical to get to future wildfire starts to put them out quickly which also minimizes future losses from fires. (Photo credit: Oregon Department of Forestry) , More than 2.3 million seedlings were planted in the Santiam State Forests since the 2020 fires. Here a healthy tree after its first year of growth. , The last of the reforestation from the 2020 wildfires was completed this month the Santiam State Forest. Some of the earlier planted trees shows good growth like this one. , This new bridge replaced the one that was destroyed in the 2020 fires on the Shellberg Falls Upper Trail in the Santiam State Forest. Volunteers from Trailkeepers of Oregon hauled in more than 100 tons of rock and installed the bridge. (Photo credit: Oregon Department of Forestry) , The Shellburg Falls upper trail allows hikers to see the falls from above. Scorched tress and regrowth of vegetation provide a unique view perspective of the impact of the 2020 wildfire to the area. (Photo credit: Oregon Department of Forestry) , This summer ODF biologists went with the survey contractor to relocate the female spotted owl that was banded last year on the Santiam State Forest. The owl is within the Beachie Creek burn area and is a great example of the importance of unburned refugia in mixed severity fires. (Photo credit: Oregon Department of Forestry) , New-Owl2.jpg