Douglas Co. Sheriff's Office

Emergency Messages as of 3:57 PM, Fri. Feb 14

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News Release

Harry Burleigh Found Alive (Photo) -05/23/21

IDLEYLD PARK, Ore. - After 17 nights in the wilderness, 69 year-old Harry Burleigh has been found alive and rescued by Search and Rescue crews who never gave up. 

On Sunday, May 23, 2021, Douglas County Search and Rescue conducted another mission in the area of Calf Creek after Burleigh's fishing gear was found last weekend. Additional SAR resources were called in from Jackson County, Lake County and  Siskiyou County (CA) for Sunday's efforts. 

At approximately, 3:00 p.m., a team of searchers from Jackson County SAR located a shelter southwest of the original shelter found last weekend. The search crews called out to Mr. Burleigh who responded back. He was found to be walking and complaining of minor pain, but was in stable condition. A Brim Aviation helicopter was utilized to hoist Burleigh from his location and transport him to a waiting Lifeflight helicopter. Lifeflight later transported him to an out of area hospital for evaluation. 

The Brim Aviation helicopter was utilized to extract the remaining Jackson County SAR team from their position. The other search crews were able to self-extricate.  

"This was the outcome we all have been looking for in this case. It is because of our determined Search and Rescue Teams and the partnerships we have with other SAR teams from around the state, that Mr. Burleigh has been re-united with his family this evening," Sgt. Brad O'Dell said. "The Sheriff's Office wants to thank everyone who was involved in this mission."

Over the course of the search for Mr. Burleigh, the Douglas County Sheriff's Office Search and Rescue Team was assisted by the following entities: 

  • Jackson County SAR
  • Josephine County SAR
  • Modoc County SAR (CA)
  • Del Norte County SAR (CA)
  • Siskiyou County SAR (CA)
  • Curry County SAR
  • Klamath County SAR
  • Lake County SAR
  • Lane County SAR
  • US Coast Guard
  • Oregon State SAR Coordinator
  • Brim Aviation
  • Lifeflight
  • United States Forest Service
  • Wolf Creek Job Corp. Hotshots
  • Bay Cities Ambulance

Rescue crews would like to remind everyone of the 10 essentials for survival, which include: 

  1. Navigation (map, compass, GPS, personal locator beacon, etc)
  2. Headlamp/flashlight
  3. Sunglasses and sunscreen
  4. First-aid supplies
  5. Fire (the means to start and sustain a fire)
  6. Knife
  7. Shelter (tent, garbage sack, tarp, etc)
  8. Extra clothing
  9. Extra food
  10. Extra water

For more information visit or 


UPDATE 05/17/2021 1:30 PM 

IDLEYLD PARK, Ore. - The search efforts for Harry Burleigh who was reported missing on Friday, May 7, 2021, are continuing today. 

69 year-old Burleigh failed to return from a fishing trip and was reported as missing by his wife. On Saturday, May 8, 2021, a deputy located Burleigh's vehicle at the Twin Lakes Trailhead. Burleigh had filled out a form and left it at the trailhead indicating he was entering the Twin Lakes area on Thursday, May 6, 2021 and intended to be out that evening. 

Searchers have been scouring the area for any signs of Burleigh and had come up empty handed until yesterday, Sunday May 16, 2021. Searchers located a makeshift shelter and a tackle box belonging to Burleigh in the Calf Creek area; however the man is still missing. 

The efforts continue today in hopes of finding additional clues. The Douglas County Sheriff's Office has been utilizing search teams and resources from multiple counties as well as partner agencies. 



IDLEYLD PARK, Ore. - The Douglas County Sheriff's Office is continuing search efforts in the Twin Lakes area for a missing Roseburg man. 

69 year-old Harry Burleigh was reported missing at 10:15 pm on Friday, May 7, 2021 after he failed to return home from a camping trip in the Toketee area. Burleigh was originally due to arrive home on Thursday, May 6, 2021, but failed to do so. 

Douglas County Sheriff's Office Search and Rescue was dispatched to begin searching for Burleigh. On the morning of Saturday, May 8, 2021, Burleigh's vehicle was located at the lower trailhead to Forest Service trail 1500, which leads into Twin Lakes. Burleigh, a fisherman, is believed to have attempted to walk into the lakes to fish before going home. 

Search efforts continue today, Sunday, May 9, 2021, with additional search and rescue resources from other counties assisting. 

Burleigh is described as a white male adult, 6'2'' tall, weighing at 175lbs with dark brown graying hair and blue eyes. His clothing description is unknown, but he may be carrying a day pack and collapsible fishing pole.  

Anyone who believes they may have information which may assist in the search is asked to contact the Douglas County Sheriff's Office at (541) 440-4471 referencing case number 21-2033.

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