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News Release
Asha Riley will be the new Superintendent of Woodland Public Schools beginning July 1, 2024
Asha Riley will be the new Superintendent of Woodland Public Schools beginning July 1, 2024
New Superintendent Selected for Woodland Public Schools (Photo) - 02/27/24

New Superintendent Selected for Woodland Public Schools

Woodland’s Board of Directors: “Asha Riley is the right leader at the right time.”


WOODLAND, WA–Tuesday, February 27, 2024–The Woodland Public Schools Board of Directors has selected Asha Riley as the new superintendent of Woodland Public Schools, effective July 1, 2024. This appointment follows a strategic decision by the Board to select an internal candidate who possesses a deep understanding of the district and a proven track record of effective leadership. The decision was made during a Special Board Meeting held on Tuesday, February 27. Ms. Riley will succeed current Superintendent Michael Green, who will retire after more than 17 years of service to the district.

“Asha is the right leader at the right time,” said Board President Jeff Wray. “Her deep understanding of the district’s financial landscape, coupled with her commitment to academic excellence and broader community engagement, positions her as the ideal candidate to steer Woodland Public Schools towards a sustainable and prosperous future.” 

Asha Riley's Credentials:

  • Assistant Superintendent at Woodland Public Schools since 2014, where she spearheaded school reconfigurations due to growth, led successful levy campaigns and implemented initiatives boosting student development in key academic areas.
  • Previous roles include Director of Teaching and Learning, Principal at Lewis River Academy and Yale Elementary, and Professional Development Administrator at Evergreen Public Schools.
  • Holds a Superintendent Credential, a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership with an Administrative Credential, a Master's Degree in Education with a Reading Specialist Endorsement, and a Bachelor of Arts in Education.
  • Notable community involvement, including serving as President of the Rotary Club of Woodland and participation in various educational associations.

“I am humbled, grateful, and excited by the opportunity to ensure that every Woodland child receives an excellent education,” said Asha Riley, the candidate selected as Woodland Public Schools' next superintendent. “Woodland is known for having excellent staff and a strong commitment to children. Serving this community is a privilege that has brought me great joy over the past 14 years, and I look forward to leading the district towards a bright future. 

Ms. Riley’s appointment comes at a crucial time for the district, which is navigating significant budgetary challenges following the loss of their levy in 2023. While the community voted to pass an EP&O levy in February 2024, the district will still face budget cuts for the 2024-25 school year. The decision to select an internal candidate and forgo additional engagement opportunities as part of the superintendent selection process marks a shift from initial plans. However, it was clear that Asha was the frontrunner in the selection process thus far and the board recognized the urgent need for stable and effective leadership. 

About Woodland Public Schools:

Woodland Public Schools is committed to providing a high-quality education, nurturing a positive learning environment, and preparing students for the challenges ahead. The district is known for its academic rigor, community engagement, and dedication to fostering educational success for every student. To learn more, visit www.woodlandschools.org.


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