Willamette Water Supply System

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News Release

Willamette Water Supply HWY 217 And Scholls Ferry Rd Tunnels Begin (Photo) -12/02/21

Motorists driving through the busy Highway 217 at Scholls Ferry Road corridor are beginning to see signs of Willamette Water Supply Program Metzger Pipeline East Phase 2 construction. Crews will tunnel beneath Highway 217 and SW Scholls Ferry Road.  
The project also includes drinking water pipeline construction within the travel lanes of SW Scholls Ferry Road from Greenway Park to SW Allen Boulevard, then within Allen Boulevard to Western Avenue. Work includes pipeline installation along SW Cascade Avenue, in addition to work within SW Hall Boulevard from SW Scholls Ferry to SW Greenburg Road. 
Emery & Sons Construction Group LLC, contractor for the project, moved equipment into the medians between the southbound onramp and northbound offramp at SW Scholls Ferry Road and Highway 217 and began excavation for two 60-inch diameter tunnels.  
The first tunnel is anticipated to take approximately 12 days to bore beneath Highway 217. Crews will then begin the second tunnel that is anticipated to take approximately nine days to bore beneath SW Scholls Ferry Road. The work area is anticipated to remain active through February of 2022 as crews install 48-inch diameter water pipeline and perform site restoration.  
The construction is for the Willamette Water Supply System—a new drinking water supply system for Tualatin Valley Water District, City of Hillsboro and City of Beaverton customers that begins service in 2026.  
No traffic disruptions are anticipated initially, however as activities continue travelers should watch for changing road conditions as crews begin to expand work into the nearby roads. Among other upcoming activities include work off the east shoulder of SW Cascade Avenue north of SW Scholls Ferry Road, and work within the westbound Scholls Ferry Road turn lane onto northbound SW Cascade Avenue. Motorists should drive with care and watch for construction vehicles. Motorists can listen to City of Beaverton run 1610 AM radio for information and traffic updates or visit the Oregon Department of Transportation’s www.TripCheck.com to learn about traffic impacts. For project information, visit www.OurReliableWater.org/mpe or call 503-941-4570. 

The Metzger Pipeline East Project work is in coordination with construction that is starting soon on the Oregon Department of Transportation’s OR 217 Auxiliary Lanes Project in Beaverton and Tigard. Learn more about ODOT’s project at www.hwy217.org. 

Attached Media Files: map.png, 12221FINAL.pdf,