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News Release
VPS Children's Culture Parade
VPS Children's Culture Parade
VPS 3rd Graders Celebrate Their Heritage in Annual Children's Culture Parade (Photo) - 05/13/24

For the First Time, Every Vancouver Public School 3rd Grade Class Invited to Participate

For immediate release

May 13th, 2024 - Vancouver, WA -  Third grade classes from around Vancouver Public Schools marched through the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site for the annual Children’s Cultural Parade.  For the first time, every third grade class had the option to participate in the parade this year.

The parade route started at the Pearson Air Museum and wound through the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, ending at Fort Vancouver.  Students wore signs that celebrated their families’ cultural heritage, while marching bands from Discovery Middle School and Columbia River High School provided the soundtrack to the parade.  Once they arrived at the fort, community leaders welcomed students with speeches.

In advance of the parade, teachers were provided 4-5 lessons plus a project to allow students to explore and express their family history.  The idea is to provide students with the chance to learn more about themselves, and to share their culture with their classmates to further understanding of one another.

Although the Children’s Culture Parade has a long history in Vancouver, this is the first time Vancouver Public Schools has been the sole participant, which allowed for more VPS students to join.


This video news release includes b-roll and interview footage for broadcast use. 

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