Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
Emergency Messages as of 9:55 pm, Thu. Oct. 17
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News Release
SW Hargis Rd Fire2
SW Hargis Rd Fire2
Early Morning House Fire in Beaverton Displaces Three Residents (Photo) - 02/28/24

At 4:40 a.m. today, multiple callers to 911 reported a house on fire in the 13600 block of Southwest Hargis Road in Beaverton. Callers also reported an explosion, and neighboring residents reported seeing the entire back of the house on fire. Due to multiple calls, the description of heavy smoke and flames, and potential threat to a neighboring home, the call was upgraded to a first alarm to bring additional personnel and resources to the scene.

Firefighters arrived within minutes and found a two-story home, with visible flames from the back and sides of the residence, and heavy smoke coming from the front door. They quickly made an attack on the fire. Meanwhile, a retired TVF&R firefighter who lives in the same neighborhood confirmed with fire crews that all occupants had safely evacuated, and all were accounted for, including the family dog.

Heavy flames on the deck presented an initial challenge and limited access to the structure, so firefighters focused on exterior extinguishment first. Smoke and flames at the entrance had also burned the split-level stairwell just inside the entryway, preventing access through the front door. Despite these complexities, crews were able to gain access to the interior of the residence to bring the fire under control.

Three residents have been displaced and have alternative housing arrangements. TVF&R fire investigators are at the scene, and the cause of the fire remains under investigation.


TVF&R approves the use of all images included with this release for the purpose of news dissemination.


Attached Media Files: SW Hargis Rd Fire2 , SW Hargis Rd Fire
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