Portland Water Bureau

Emergency Messages as of 11:40 PM, Fri. Mar 7

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News Release

Traffic Advisory: Water Bureau To Perform Emergency Water Main Repair On W. Burnside Near Barbara Walker Crossing Pedestrian Bridge (Photo) -09/26/24

For Immediate Release September 26, 2024

The pedestrian bridge will remain open. 

  • What: A water main break was discovered on W. Burnside today, Thursday, Sept. 26.
  • Where: Crews will conduct an emergency repair on W. Burnside between NW Barnes Road and the Barbara Walker Crossing pedestrian bridge. (Barnes Road meets Burnside in two locations. Please see map.) 
  • When: Crews will start the repair around 7 p.m. today.
    • The Water Bureau aims to have all lanes of traffic open before the morning commute, but we won’t know the extent of the repair until we have excavated and assessed the break. If lane closures are extended through the morning, the Water Bureau will send an update by 5 a.m. Friday, Sept. 27.
  • Traffic impacts: One westbound lane will be closed, and crews will shift the lanes of traffic to ensure travel remains open in both directions. Bus stops will remain open. 

Safety Notice

The traveling public is reminded to stay alert and use caution as traffic may suddenly slow or stop. To avoid traffic delays, motorists are encouraged to use alternate routes around the work site. Bicyclists should use caution when sharing the road with vehicles around the closure area, and drivers should be on the lookout for bikes in the roadway.

For more information contact the Water Bureau Public Information: felicia.heaton@portlandoregon.gov or call 503-823-8064.      

Attached Media Files: Shot.jpg, Map.jpg,