Portland Fire & Rescue
Emergency Messages as of 5:35 am, Fri. Sep. 20
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News Release
PF&R responds to residential fire in North Tabor Neighborhood (Photo) - 11/08/22

Portland Fire & Rescue fights early morning fire in the North Tabor Neighborhood

PF&R fire crews were dispatched to a fire shortly after 4 AM. The first arriving crews said that light smoke was showing at the eave line and possibly the windows on the first floor were darkened with smoke. This crew began pulling hose off their engine to assume an offensive fire attack tactic to make entry and extinguish the fire. The next arriving crew attached to a nearby fire hydrant and established a successful water supply.

Indications from the interior fire attack crew was they found fire in the front corner of the home that they had extinguished and there did not appear to be any extension into the upper story of the home. This lack of fire extending upward was confirmed by the crew upstairs performing a search to make certain all residents were outside safely. There was a bit of lazy smoke inside the structure, so a thorough inspection of the home was completed to ensure that the fire was kept to the room of origin and had not penetrated the walls and moved up into the upper levels of the residence. The ability to remove the smoke in a horizontal manner by opening windows was successful and there was not a need to cut holes in the roof keeping the top cover of the home intact as we enter a rainy period of the year.

During the secondary search of the main floor following the extinguishment of the fire it was reported that there was a hole in the floor on the first level in the corner of fire origin which was large enough for a firefighter to unknowingly fall through. Emergency tones across the radio were sounded and the report of the floor burn through was communicated to all crews working on the incident and a fire officer remained at the location of the burn through hole to prevent anyone from injury until proper caution tape could be put in place. The fire was determined completely extinguished at this time and half the responding companies were released to get back into service.

This resident of the home was not inside upon the arrival but was at the scene of the incident. It is unclear if this individual was inside the home at the time of fire discovery or was away. This individual is uninjured may be displaced while repairs are performed on the home. The cause of the fire was electrical in nature. No reported injuries to residents or working firefighters.



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