Oregon Dept. of Forestry
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News Releases
Committee for Emergency Fire Cost meets Sept. 3 - 08/26/24

SALEM, Ore. — The Emergency Fire Cost Committee will meet in the Tillamook Room, Building C, Oregon Department of Forestry, 2600 State Street in Salem on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, at 10 a.m. A virtual option will be available via Zoom video conference, which can be found on the agenda. To provide public comment, please contact Kristine Klossen at 971-446-0065.

The committee’s agenda includes:

  • Financial status of the Oregon Forest Land Protection Fund
  • Previous fiscal claims update
  • Weather update
  • Update on status of large fire cost collection efforts
  • Guidelines for eligibility of firefighting costs
  • Business Services Division/Fire Protection Division/Administrator reports

The meeting is open to the public to attend in-person or virtually via Zoom. Public comments will be accepted near the end of the meeting. Requests for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 72 hours before the meeting by contacting Kristine Klossen at 971-446-0065.

The Emergency Fire Cost Committee (EFCC) oversees the Oregon Forest Land Protection Fund (OFLPF), established by the Oregon Legislature as a fund with the purpose of equalizing emergency fire suppression costs among the various Oregon Department of Forestry protection districts and forest protective associations. All districts/associations contribute to the fund so that money will be available to any individual district/association to pay fire suppression costs on eligible emergency fires. View more information on the EFCC webpage.

Board of Forestry to meet on Sept. 4 and 5 - 08/22/24

SALEM, Ore. — The Oregon Board of Forestry will meet for hybrid public meetings on Wednesday, Sept. 4 at 8:45 a.m. and Thursday, Sept. 5 at 8:30 a.m. The meetings will be held in the Tillamook Room, Building C, at the Oregon Department of Forestry headquarters, located at 2600 State St. in Salem. The meetings will also be livestreamed on the department’s YouTube channel.

The board’s business agenda for Sept. 4 includes:

  • Fire season update
  • Department financial report – June through August 2024
  • Vision for Oregon’s Forests update
  • Wildfire hazard map rulemaking
  • Adoption of post-disturbance harvest rules
  • Legislative report on Private Forest Accord implementation
  • 2024 Climate Smart Award recognition
  • Service Award for former Board of Forestry members

The agenda for Sept. 5 includes:

  • Monitoring Unit annual update
  • Forest Health Unit annual update
  • Committee for Family Forestlands (CFF) annual report
  • Western Oregon State Forests Management Plan implementation scenarios

The full agenda is available on the board’s webpage. Live testimony is available on both days. Sign-up for live testimony is required and instructions are available online. Written public testimony will also be accepted. Written comments can be submitted before or up to two weeks after the meeting day by mail to the Board Support Office, 2600 State St., Salem, OR 97310 or email to boardofforestry@odf.oregon.gov with the appropriate agenda item and topic included with the submission.

Accommodations for people with disabilities, and special materials, services, or assistance can be arranged by calling ODF’s Public Affairs Office at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting at 503-945-7200 or by email at forestryinformation@odf.oregon.gov.

The Oregon Board of Forestry consists of seven citizens nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Oregon Senate. Responsibilities include appointing the State Forester, setting management direction for state-owned forests, adopting rules governing timber harvest and other practices on private forestland, and promoting sustainable management of Oregon’s 30 million-acre forestland base. Read more information about the board.

Some roads closed to vehicles in Tillamook State Forest during hunting season - 08/20/24

Tillamook, Ore—The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) will resume road restrictions this fall in the western part of the Tillamook State Forest to improve deer and elk escapement during hunting season.

Some roads will be closed to motorized use during the general archery and rifle hunting seasons in September, October and November. Selected roads in the Trask, Wilson and Nehalem River areas will be gated and signed. Controlled access during the three-month period is designed to reduce hunting pressure in these areas.

Hunters and other recreational users are welcome to access the gated areas by foot, mountain bike, horse or other non-motorized means.

ODF is partnering with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and Tillamook Chapter of the Oregon Hunters Association in this program. The partnership has been in place 21 years and the location of gates change year to year based on access needs, tree stand conditions and operations. 

Motorized access by ODF staff or contractors working in those areas may occur on occasion. Maps of the road management areas are available at the Tillamook ODF office located at 5005 Third St., Tillamook and onlineClick on “Tillamook State Forest Road Report” to find the maps. Maps are also available on the Tillamook State Forest blog

For questions or more information about the road management program, contact Scott Bushnell at 503-842-2545, or Paul Atwood at 503-842-2741, both are in the Tillamook ODF office.

Adaptive Management Program Committee meets Aug. 26 - 08/20/24

SALEM, Ore. — The Adaptive Management Program Committee will meet at noon on Monday, Aug. 26 in the Clatsop Room, Building C, at the Oregon Department of Forestry headquarters, located at 2600 State St. in Salem. To join virtually, please use the Zoom video conference information found on the agenda.

The committee’s agenda includes:

  • Brainstorm about amphibians questions package
  • Discuss Eastern OR steep slopes questions honed by IRST (Substantial decision item)
  • Introduce process for determining new priorities (Substantial decision item)

The meeting is open to the public to attend in person and online via Zoom. Public comments will be accepted near the start of the meeting. Requests for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting by emailing adaptivemanagementprogram@odf.oregon.gov.

The 13-member committee The Adaptive Management Program Committee helps determine if forest practices are meeting their goals to protect natural resources through a science-based and transparent process. The committee sets the research agenda that the Independent Research and Science Team (IRST) implements. View more information on the AMPC webpage.

Tiana Bolosan
Tiana Bolosan
Incident management personnel from Hawaii join Dixon Fire (Photo) - 08/19/24

DAYS CREEK, Ore. — Hawaii, the most recent state to join the Northwest Compact, hit the ground running by sending personnel to Oregon on their first fire assignments under the compact. 

This past April, Hawaii became the eleventh member of the Northwest Wildland Fire Protection Agreement (NW Compact). The purpose of the NW Compact is to promote effective prevention, suppression, and control of forest fires in the Northwest wildland region of the United States and Western areas of Canada. It provides an efficient way for member states, provinces, and territories to cope with wildland fires that might be beyond the capabilities of a single member agency, through information sharing, technology and resource distribution.

NW compact members include the U.S states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and Hawaii. It also includes the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories. 

With Hawaii joining the NW Compact community in 2024, Oregon Department of Forestry’s Team 2 wants to recognize and thank resources from Hawaii on the Dixon Fire. 

There’s a contingent of four resources that traveled from Hawaii to help suppress the Dixon Fire in Douglas County, three hail from Oahu and one from Maui. Each have integrated into the section of the Incident Command System (ICS) in which they hold qualifications. There are different levels of qualifications for “Types” of Incident Management Teams. The four Hawaiians on the fire are training for the highest level of qualifications with ODF’s Team 2, a Type 1 Incident Management Team. They include:

  • Ryan Peralta—Operations Section Chief Trainee
  • Tiana Bolosan—Safety Officer Trainee
  • Kahaiaalaiwilani “Kahai” Nakamatsu— Logistics Section Chief Trainee
  • Stephanie Franklin— Planning Section Chief Trainee

“Oregon’s wildfires are bigger and more complex than what we have in Hawaii,” said Ryan Peralta, Operations Section Chief trainee. “It’s like being called to play in the Major Leagues, when asked, of course we’re going to come. It gives us a chance to train on a major incident at a larger scale than the wildfires we have back home.”

“The hazards here are similar to those back home, snags in trees and frontal-attack,” said Tiana Bolosan, Safety Officer Trainee. “On a bigger fire, you’re responsible for the safety of a larger number of firefighters, it increases the level of intensity.”

All recognized the impact of last year’s Lahaina fire in raising awareness of wildfire hazard in both wildlands and the wildland-urban interface. “The Lahaina fire was an eye-opener for everybody in Hawaii, it’s raised awareness of the need for preparation and planning for another potential large incident,” said Kahai Nakamatsu, Logistics Section Chief Trainee.

Stephanie Franklin, Planning Section Chief Trainee, who lives and works on Maui, responded to the Upcountry Fire when wildfires were also burning in Lahaina. Members of her crew lost their homes while fighting the Upcountry Fire and didn’t find out until returning from their shifts. 

“It was devastating to find out of the impact to Lahaina after returning to the yard after shift. Maui is small and very community driven. We’ve had help on the recovery efforts over the last year, so when asked to come help Oregon on this fire, it was kind of a no-brainer,” Franklin said.

The compact enables the exchange of resources with other compact members to improve wildfire response capacity in Hawaii. It will allow Hawaii-based wildland firefighters to gain experience by assisting with wildland firefighting efforts on the North American continent while also allowing the state to call on assistance from other members in the compact, thereby benefiting all compact members.

Oregon has received assistance from many compact partners during this year’s wildfire season. While these four resources from Hawaii are on their first incident in Oregon, there have been multiple members of Hawaii’s fire response personnel in Oregon for the first time under the NW Compact. Personnel from other compact member organizations including Alaska, the Northwest Territories and the province of Saskatchewan, Canada have responded to Oregon’s call for assistance with resourcing the large number of early wildfires this season. 

An adult emerald ash borer caught in a sticky trap in Marion County. This represents a new location in Oregon where this invasive pest has been found.
An adult emerald ash borer caught in a sticky trap in Marion County. This represents a new location in Oregon where this invasive pest has been found.
Emerald ash borer discovered in more counties in Oregon (Photo) - 08/19/24

SALEM, Ore. – The invasive emerald ash borer (EAB) pest has been discovered in three new Oregon counties this summer, according to the Oregon Dept. of Agriculture (ODA) and Oregon Dept. of Forestry (ODF). The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) laboratory in Maryland has officially confirmed the insect in Marion and Yamhill counties. A third site on the border of Clackamas and Marion is believed to harbor EAB, Still, state officials first need to confirm with the federal lab the identity of the insects found there.

Yamhill County

One adult beetle was found in a trap in the Gaston area - one of 197 traps distributed by ODF and USDA APHIS in the Willamette Valley. The federal lab officially confirmed the find as EAB on Aug. 12. The trap was located just inside Yamhill County about seven miles from Forest Grove, where EAB was first detected in Oregon in late June 2022. 

Clackamas County

Jake Downer, a contract worker with Portland General Electric, reported to the state seeing ash trees in the Elliot Prairie area east of Woodburn showing canopy decline in mid-July, not long after he and other utility workers had received training from the Oregon Dept. of Agriculture in how to identify EAB infestations. The site is inside Clackamas County, not far from the border with Marion County. 

ODF’s Invasive Species Specialist, Wyatt Williams, visited the site in early August. He saw evidence that EAB larvae had been feeding on Oregon ash trees (Fraxinus latifolia), with several trees showing a marked decline. Samples have been sent to the federal lab in the eastern U.S. for official confirmation. 

Williams also looked at several ash trees in a steep, blackberry-choked site along Butte Creek north of Mt. Angel and south of Hubbard. The creek forms the border between Clackamas and Marion counties. He said the trees on both sides of the creek showed strong signs of EAB infestation, with declining canopies and D-shaped exit holes where adults have tunneled out of the tree trunks. 

“The extent of dieback suggests that EAB may have been present for a number of years at the site but went unnoticed given the difficult access and dense vegetation, which includes a mix of oak and conifers,” said Williams.

Marion County

On July 30, Williams found adult EAB in traps set along the Pudding River south of Woodburn and west of Mt. Angel. He retrieved five adults from a trap at that site, indicating a significant population. Samples from that site have also been confirmed as EAB by USDA APHIS’s lab. 

“Given the trees did not show any signs of damage, we would not have known about this site for some time if not for the traps,” said Williams.

Cody Holthouse is Compliance and Regulatory Manager at ODA. He chairs the state’s Interagency EAB Task Force. “No state has been able to eradicate EAB, so since its first detection in Forest Grove, we have expected it to eventually show up in new parts of Oregon,” said Holthouse. “That’s why folks from collaborating agencies have been methodically surveying for the insect, setting out traps beyond the known infestation area and training people to know the signs and symptoms of infestation. That definitely helps us learn where the insect is spreading.”

Holthouse said ODA will be conducting intensive searches in the coming days for EAB in areas surrounding the new sites in Marion and Clackamas counties to find out whether it shows up farther away. 

He said it is unknown if the newly discovered sites represent a spread from Forest Grove or if they were from separate introductions of the pest into Oregon. The pest often travels in loads of firewood transported by people, so the latter is quite possible. 

Holthouse says ODA is currently working out the details of a quarantine to limit the movement of ash, olive, and white fringe tree wood, and other materials similar to the one in Washington County. That quarantine restricts the movement of several tree materials, including but not limited to logs, green lumber, nursery stock, scion wood, bud wood, chips, mulch, stumps, roots, branches, and firewood of hardwood species.

“We want to protect the rest of Oregon for as long as possible to give communities more time to prepare,” said Holthouse. 

To slow further spread, Holthouse urges Oregonians to buy firewood near where they intend to burn it and avoid taking firewood more than 10 miles from where it was cut.

About EAB

A small, metallic-green beetle native to eastern Asia, EAB was first found in the U.S. in Michigan in 2002. It has since killed tens of millions of ash trees across the eastern United States, with death rates up to 99 percent.

EAB’s larvae burrow into the bark of ash trees, causing canopy dieback and, ultimately, tree death. The ½ inch beetle is often challenging to detect, especially in newly infested trees. Signs of infestation include thinning and yellowing leaves, bark splitting, D-shaped holes in the tree bark, and basal shoots.

For more information on EAB and an up-to-date list of resources, please visit ODA.direct/EAB

Suspected EAB infestations can be reported over the phone at 1-866-INVADER or online at https://oregoninvasiveshotline.org/reports/create

# # #

Forest Trust Land Advisory Committee meets Aug. 23 - 08/19/24

SALEM, Ore. — The Forest Trust Land Advisory Committee meets Aug. 23 at 10 a.m. at ODF headquarters in Salem, with a virtual option.

The public meeting will be held in the Tillamook Room, Building C, at the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Salem headquarters, 2600 State St., Salem, OR 97310. To join virtually, please use the Zoom video conference information found on the agenda.

The committee’s agenda includes:

  • Prepare for discussion with the Board of Forestry regarding FMP modeling scenarios at the September Board of Forestry meeting

Public comment is scheduled at the beginning of the meeting. To submit written comment, email ftlac.comment@odf.oregon.gov. Written comments sent at least 48 hours before the meeting will give the FTLAC time to review and consider information. Comments submitted after that window of time will be sent to the FTLAC after the meeting, entered into the record and posted online. Comments are not accepted after the meeting concludes.

The Forest Trust Land Advisory Committee is comprised of seven county commissioners representing 15 Oregon counties where state forestlands are located. The FTLAC is a statutorily established committee that advises the Board of Forestry on matters related to forestland managed by ODF. View more information on the FTLAC webpage.

Questions about accessibility or special accommodations can be directed to the Oregon Department of Forestry at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at 503-945-7200.

This map shows the location of the 20 projects for the SFISH program.
This map shows the location of the 20 projects for the SFISH program.
New program awards $5M to small forestland owners for fish habitat improvement (Photo) - 08/15/24

Salem, Ore.--The Small Forestland Investment in Stream Habitat Program (SFISH) funded its first-ever round of projects, awarding more than $5 million in grants to 20 projects throughout Oregon.

The program, administered by the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), collaborated with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and key stakeholders to prioritize forest road improvement projects that improve fish habitat on forestlands owned by small forestland owners. 

“The projects will restore passage to more than 74 miles of habitat for native salmon and trout and improve water quality by replacing or removing 37 culverts across 19 watersheds,” said Josh Hanson, SFISH Coordinator for ODF’s Small Forestland Owner Office.

The SFISH Program was established by the Legislature in 2022 to provide grants to small forestland owners to implement road improvement projects that result in environmental benefits to fish species addressed in the Private Forest Accord Report.  The fund can also be used to mitigate risks to natural resources arising from forest roads.

“Project planning is underway, and most projects will start next summer,” said Hanson. “Some projects may require extended planning, with implementation occurring in the summer of 2026.”  Several fish species will benefit from the funded work, including steelhead trout, cutthroat trout, Chinook, Coho, and Chum salmon.  Two projects funded east of the Cascades will benefit Columbia River Redband Trout.

To be eligible for the program, a landowner must own less than 5,000 acres of forestland in Oregon and harvest no more than an average yearly volume of 2 million board feet of merchantable forest products.  A landowner can apply for an SFISH grant at any time, and length of time waiting for funding is considered when awarding grants.

“The program anticipates awarding more money for projects in July 2025,” said Hanson.  “So be sure to check the SFISH webpage for program updates.”

For more information and an application for an SFISH grant contact your local ODF office or visit the SFISH webpage.

Private contractors quickly provide vital people and equipment to help fight Oregon's wildfires - 08/14/24

Sweet Home, Ore.—Feller bunchers, dozers, water tenders and other specialized equipment play a key role in the initial attack and suppression of Oregon’s wildfires.  Much of that equipment is provided by local operators under a contract agreement with the Oregon Department of Forestry.

“One piece of equipment can do the work of a 40-person crew,” said Craig Pettinger, Oregon Department of Forestry’s interim district forester for its South Cascade district. “It’s not just the equipment but the experienced operators who know the equipment and the terrain of the local area that make them so effective.”

The operators sign up their people and equipment through ODF’s Incident Resources Agreement (IRA) program. Applications are typically accepted April through June each year. IRA contractors may select to work within specific ODF geographic areas, or under statewide ODF jurisdiction.

“We participate with ODF’s coordinated response to wildfires to help protect the communities our people live and work in, to limit damage to Oregon’s forests and to preserve our investment in our timberland,” said Kenny Rose, Chief Forester for Giustina Resources.  “We were part of the initial attack on the Lane 1 Fire and still have equipment there.   We are providing a rotary feller buncher, several dozers and large water tender.”

The contractors’ depth of knowledge and speed of their mobilization are two critical components they bring to fighting wildfires.

“I can pick up the phone and give them a call and literally have them on-scene in minutes and a full array of resources within a few hours,” said Pettinger.  “That’s exactly what we did at the start of the Lane 1 Fire. That fire did expand very quickly in the first 48-hours and if not for those resources it could have been much worse.”

Although IRA contractors are used primarily on ODF jurisdiction fires, occasionally they may be requested and used on federal fires.  That was the case for the Pyramid Fire south of Detroit Lake in the Willamette National Forest.

“We opened up 24-miles of old forest roads and built six-miles of 80-foot-wide fuel breaks,” said Milt Moran, President, Cascade Timber Consulting.  “I’ve been in the forestry business for 50 years and that was one of the nastiest fires we have worked on.  Our people were out there at 9:30 p.m. working on roads with trees lighting up and snags falling all around.  It’s inherently dangerous for everyone fighting a fire.  However, we always put safety first and work together to get after these wildfires as quick as we can.”

IRA contractors are required to have various levels of training and safety equipment depending on the type of services they provide.  It’s not just heavy equipment and operators; IRA contractors can provide hand-crews, radio operator, mobile food services, medical services and more.

“When we can work together, industry, large landowners and state forestry, that’s when the partnership really shines.” Jay Christensen from Weyerhaeuser said.  Weyerhaeuser is a private landowner with an IRA contract who has supported the agency in wildfire suppression multiple times. Most recently, they’ve supported the Lane 1 Fire outside of Cottage Grove from the beginning and are still working in partnership with ODF’s Incident Management Team 1. “We understand our road system, we understand the ground.” Christensen said. 

“These IRA resources are critical for us to fight these fires,” said Pettinger.  “They are efficient, effective, and a vital part of the wildfire attack and suppression effort.”

For more information on the IRA Program visit the ODF website.

For update on current wildfire go to the ODF current wildfire information page.

Lee Falls Fire 25% contained, evacuation levels reduced - 08/11/24

Cherry Grove, Ore. – With yesterday’s progress on the Lee Falls Fire, structural firefighting task forces and law enforcement demobilized from the area yesterday. Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Type 3 Incident Management Team remains on the Lee Falls Fire to continue mop up operations in preparation for returning the fire to the local district.

Yesterday’s work made sufficient progress to increase confidence that the fire will stay within its current perimeter. After consultation with fire officials, that confidence led to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office reducing all Level 3 evacuation levels to Level 2—Be Set. Cherry Grove community members returning to their homes should remain vigilant and maintain readiness for future evacuations, should fire conditions significantly change. Deputies and law enforcement partners demobilized with the reduction of immediate threat to the community.

Yesterday, the last two structural firefighting task forces made available through the Department of State Fire Marshal demobilized and returned to their home units for much needed rest. Structural firefighters’ diligence around homes and structures, and work with wildland firefighters on the fire line kept Cherry Grove homes and structures safe.

“Strong coordination between wildland firefighting resources, structural firefighting agencies, and the Washington County Sheriff’s Office has kept the Cherry Grove community safe during this incident,” said Neal Bond, Incident Commander of the Lee Falls Fire. “Multiple emergency response agencies working together led to no loss or damage to homes or other structures.”

Ground crews with air support from one remaining helicopter on the incident will continue working over the next several days to increase containment and return the Lee Falls Fire to the local Forest Grove District of ODF. Hazard removal continues, caution is urged for any residents returning to areas recently removed from Level 3 evacuations. 

Mop up, the process of cooling the perimeter of the fire to reduce the chance of spot fires or heat from escaping the perimeter, continues today with crews working to achieve 100 feet of cold burned ground from the fire’s edge, 50 feet or more has already been achieved in several areas of the fire perimeter. As mop up progresses, containment percentage of the fire will increase.

This will be the last joint update issued by Gaston Fire District, Washington County Sheriff’s Office and Oregon Department of Forestry. ODF will continue sending media updates as containment increases.

The Lee Falls Fire was reported Thursday, August 8, around 11 a.m. and is estimated to be approximately 290 acres after more accurate mapping, there was no increase in growth of the fire perimeter. The fire is 100% lined, and 25% contained. The cause of the fire is under investigation.


Washington County Sheriff’s Office 
Since the fire's inception, deputies have diligently conducted active patrols in the affected areas to monitor the situation and provide necessary assistance. The safety and well-being of residents and the community remain top priority. 

The Washington County Sheriff's Office urges the public to continue preparedness with reduced evacuation levels, and respect the remaining designated perimeters to facilitate the effective operations of the responding teams. 


Evacuation Updates 
After consultation with fire officials, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office has reduced all Level 3 evacuations to Level 2—Be Set in the Cherry Grove area.  

Thank you for your continued patience as crews continue work to make the area safe. It is crucial for the public to maintain awareness of evacuation directives and stay out of the remaining active fire area to ensure the roads remain clear and accessible for fire apparatuses and other essential responders. 

The latest evacuation levels can be found on the Sheriff’s Facebook page or look up your address and check your evacuation status.

Community protection continues on Lee Falls Fire - 08/10/24

Cherry Grove, Ore. – Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Type 3 Incident Management Team, along with a Type 3 Incident Management Team from structural firefighters and the Washington County Sheriff's Office, continue protecting the community of Cherry Grove today.

With over 175 personnel from ODF, contract, and crews of adults in custody from Coffee Creek and South Fork Forest Camp working to mop up the fire line today, some community members can return to their homes. Two task forces of structural firefighters remain to protect homes and structures.

The interior of the Lee Falls fire continues to burn slowly so residents will experience some smoke. With recent fire activity, snags present a hazard around some roads. Snags are dead or burned standing trees that may easily fall. Crews today will continue removing hazards increasing safety for residents and firefighters. Strong caution is urged for any residents returning to areas recently removed from Level 3 evacuations. 

“Thank you for your work on this incident,” said Mike Cafferata, Forest Grove District Forester. “These forests are key to the local economy, the Tualatin River valley is a watershed for local drinking water, and Hagg Lake is a recreational destination for families and visitors. Keeping the fire as small as possible protects these important natural resources.”

Mop up, the process of cooling the perimeter of the fire to reduce the chance of spot fires or heat from escaping the perimeter, continues today with crews working to achieve 50 feet of cold burned ground from the fire’s edge. As mop up progresses, containment percentage of the fire will increase.

Two structural taskforces from Marion and Tillamook Counties will mainly be in patrol status today, helping on the line if necessary. No structures or homes have been destroyed or damaged by the fire. 

The Lee Falls Fire was reported Thursday, August 8, around 11 a.m. and is estimated to be approximately 280 acres and is 100% lined. The cause of the fire is under investigation.


Washington County Sheriff’s Office 
Since the fire's inception, deputies have diligently conducted active patrols in the affected areas to monitor the situation and provide necessary assistance. The safety and well-being of residents and the community remain top priority. 

The Washington County Sheriff's Office urges the public to cooperate with the evacuation orders and respect the designated perimeters to facilitate the effective operations of the responding teams. 


Evacuation Updates 
Some areas of Cherry Grove were reduced to level 2 evacuation notices last night. Level 3 evacuation notices are still in effect on SW Summit Avenue and SW Lee Falls Road. If you access your residence off either of these roads, a level 3 evacuation notice is still in effect. This includes SW Nixon Drive, SW Oak Street, and SW Peach Street. 

The Washington County Sheriff's Office will maintain a police presence in the area. Thank you for your continued patience as crews work to make the area safe. It is crucial for the public to adhere to the evacuation directives still in place and stay out of the area to ensure the roads remain clear and accessible for fire apparatuses and other essential responders. 

The latest evacuation levels can be found on the Sheriff’s Facebook page or look up your address and check your evacuation status.


Evacuee resources:
Community members can contact the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767 or 503-284-1234 for updated shelter information.

Evacuated livestock from the Lee Falls Fire can be transported to Westside Commons/Washington County Fairgrounds. Unfortunately, we cannot accept livestock from neighboring counties at this location.

Lee Falls Fire 100% lined - 08/09/24

Cherry Grove, Ore. – Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Type 3 Incident Management Team, who took command of fire operations today, along with a Type 3 Incident Management Team from structural firefighters and the Washington County Sheriff's Office. Today’s suppression efforts achieved control lines around the fire’s perimeter, keeping it at 280 acres.

ODF, contract, and crews of adults in custody from South Fork Forest Camp continued dozer and hand lines with ground crews receiving support from three helicopters dropping water on the Lee Falls Fire most of the afternoon and evening. The fire is now 100% lined.

With control lines established around the fire, and many areas plumbed with fire hose, the arduous process of mop up begins. Mop up is the process of cooling the perimeter of the fire to reduce the chance of spot fires or heat from the perimeter igniting dry vegetation outside the fire line. Once there is sufficient cooling from the outer edge of the control line and the perimeter is cold and black a sufficient distance from the line, it’s then considered a containment line. 

Structural firefighters from Washington, Yamhill, Marion and Tillamook Counties worked side-by-side with wildland firefighters on the line, working to improve lines around homes and completed mop up within 100 feet from homes on Nixon and Oak roads. All other homes in the areas have been triaged with surface preparations completed. No structures or homes have been destroyed or damaged by the fire. Structural task forces will move to patrol status to ensure homes and structures continue to be protected through the night.

The Lee Falls Fire was reported Thursday, August 8, around 11 a.m. and is estimated to be approximately 280 acres and is 100% lined. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Washington County Sheriff’s Office 
Since the fire's inception, deputies have diligently conducted active patrols in the affected areas to monitor the situation and provide necessary assistance. The safety and well-being of residents and the community remain top priority. 

The Washington County Sheriff's Office urges the public to cooperate with the evacuation orders and respect the designated perimeters to facilitate the effective operations of the responding teams. 

Evacuation Updates 
Some areas of Cherry Grove have been reduced to level 2 evacuation notices. Level 3 evacuation notice is still in effect on SW Summit Avenue and SW Lee Falls Road. If you access your residence off either of these roads, a level 3 evacuation notice is still in effect. This includes SW Nixon Drive, SW Oak Street, and SW Peach Street. 

The Washington County Sheriff's Office will maintain a police presence in the area, and fire crews will continue working throughout the night. Thank you for your continued patience as crews work to make the area safe. It is crucial for the public to adhere to the evacuation directives still in place and stay out of the area to ensure the roads remain clear and accessible for fire apparatuses and other essential responders. 

The latest evacuation levels can be found on the Sheriff’s Facebook page or look up your address and check your evacuation status.

Evacuee resources:
Red Cross shelter and evacuation reception is open at New Life Church, 202 Church St, Gaston. Household pets allowed. Pet owners should bring crates and other pet supplies if possible. Community members can contact the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767 or 503-284-1234 for updated shelter information.

Evacuated livestock from the Lee Falls Fire can be transported to Westside Commons/Washington County Fairgrounds. Unfortunately, we cannot accept livestock from neighboring counties at this location.

Suppression efforts continue on the Lee Falls Fire (Photo) - 08/09/24

Cherry Grove, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Forestry, Gaston Rural Fire District and Washington County Sheriff's Office are working together in response to the Lee Falls Fire to protect the community of Cherry Grove and surrounding areas. The fire was reported Thursday, August 8, around 11 a.m. and is now estimated to be over 280 acres and is 75% lined. 

Oregon Department of Forestry firefighters, alongside multiple structural fire agencies from several counties, local landowners, crews of adults in custody from South Fork Forest Camp, and contractors worked diligently overnight on suppression efforts. ODF, contract, and South Fork crews will continue work to line the fire today. Multiple aviation resources are on standby and will be deployed as needed to support ground operations. 

The Oregon Department of Forestry stood up a Type 3 incident management team this morning to take command of fire operations. 

Structural fire crews worked through the night to protect homes in the community of Cherry Grove and properties that are west and north of the area.  Firefighters also prepped structures and patrolled fire lines on the eastern flank of the fire. No structures or homes have been destroyed or damaged by the fire.

Today structural firefighters will be increasing defensible space around homes and ensuring any spot fires are completely extinguished one hundred feet out from each structure. Three task forces from Tillamook, Marion and Yamhill counties are assigned to the fire and bring a complement of 15 fire engines, tenders and brush rigs as well as approximate 45 structural firefighters.

Washington County Sheriff’s Office 
Since the fire's inception, deputies have diligently conducted active patrols in the affected areas to monitor the situation and provide necessary assistance. The safety and well-being of residents and the community remain top priority. 

The Washington County Sheriff's Office urges the public to cooperate with the evacuation orders and respect the designated perimeters to facilitate the effective operations of the responding teams. 

Evacuation Updates 
Washington County Sheriff’s Office deputies initiated door-to-door notifications to advise residents of evacuation levels in the affected area. As of 11:30 this morning, there have been no changes to the evacuation levels. It is crucial for the public to adhere to the evacuation directives and remain out of the area to ensure the roads remain clear and accessible for fire apparatuses and other essential responders. 

The latest evacuation levels can be found on the Sheriff’s Facebook page or look up your address and check your evacuation status.

Evacuee resources:
Red Cross shelter and evacuation reception is open at New Life Church, 202 Church St, Gaston. Household pets allowed. Pet owners should bring crates and other pet supplies if possible. Community members can contact the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767 or 503-284-1234 for updated shelter information.

Evacuated livestock from the Lee Falls Fire can be transported to Westside Commons/Washington County Fairgrounds. Unfortunately, we cannot accept livestock from neighboring counties at this location.

Forestry Program for Oregon Subcommittee meets Aug. 15 - 08/09/24

SALEM, Ore. — The Forestry Program for Oregon Subcommittee will meet virtually on Thursday, Aug. 15 from 8 to 9 a.m. To join virtually, please use the Zoom video conference information found on the agenda

The subcommittee’s agenda includes:

  • Review of current draft for Vision of Oregon’s Forests

Accommodations for people with disabilities, and special materials, services, or assistance can be arranged by calling ODF’s Public Affairs Office at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting at 503-945-7200 or by email at forestryinformation@odf.oregon.gov.

Subcommittee purpose: Collaborative work forum for board and agency leadership to advance efforts to jointly develop a modern Forestry Program for Oregon (FPFO). Read more information about the subcommittee.

There's still time to comment on hazard map draft, administrative rules - 08/07/24

SALEM, Ore. — The public still has time to provide comments about both the draft statewide wildfire hazard map and proposed administrative rules associated with the map. These public comment opportunities are among the last steps before the release of the final map in October 2024.

The proposed administrative rules will be used by OSU to address how irrigated agricultural lands are considered when assessing hazard for the map and will establish the process for appealing a hazard zone or wildland-urban interface designation. 

Three public hearings were conducted virtually last week, but additional written comments can be sent to maprules@odf.oregon.gov until 5 p.m. on Aug. 15. Input received will be shared with the Board of Forestry prior to their decision on whether to adopt the rules. Please state which rule you’re commenting on in your email.

Draft versions of the statewide wildfire hazard and wildland-urban interface maps are available on Oregon State University’s Wildfire Risk Explorer website. These drafts reflect revisions based on public input and county governments received over the last two years and legislative changes. Revisions include:

  • Adjustments for hay and pasturelands.
  • Adjustments for northwest Oregon forest fuels.
  • Changes based on draft rules to include irrigation of agricultural crops as a mitigating factor in wildfire hazard assessments. Final maps will reflect rules as adopted by the Board of Forestry.

Comments on the draft map can be sent to hazardmap@odf.oregon.gov until 5 p.m. on Aug. 18.

The wildfire hazard map's purposes are to:

  • Educate Oregon residents and property owners about the level of hazard where they live.
  • Assist in prioritizing fire adaptation and mitigation resources for the most vulnerable locations.
  • Identify where defensible space standards and home hardening codes will apply.

These comment periods follow a series of open houses about the state’s new community wildfire risk reduction programs, which were held from June 3 to July 1 throughout Oregon. These meetings were an opportunity for people to learn more about wildfire hazard assessments, new defensible space and home hardening programs and standards, insurance concerns, and statewide wildfire policy and engage directly with state agency staff. Representatives from OSU, ODF, Oregon State Fire Marshal, Department of Consumer and Business Services Building Codes Division and Division of Financial Regulation, and the Wildfire Programs Advisory Council addressed hours of questions at the events and engaged with over 500 community members. 

Find more information on ODF’s wildfire hazard web page.