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News Release
This is War: Filmmaker Reflects 20 Years After Historic ORNG Deployment (Photo) - 06/13/24

SALEM, Ore. - In 2007, the documentary "This is War" captured the harrowing experiences of an Oregon National Guard unit deployed to Iraq, where they faced some of the war's heaviest fighting. As the 20th anniversary of the 2004 deployment approaches, it's a time to reflect on the courage and sacrifice of these soldiers and the successes and struggles they've encountered since then.

"This is War" follows the journey of the Oregon National Guard's 2nd Battalion, 162nd Infantry Regiment, known as the "Grim Reapers," during their deployment to Iraq. The film provides an intimate look at the challenges and dangers these soldiers face as they navigate the complexities of war.

Gary Mortensen, President of Stoller Wine Group and the filmmaker behind "This is War," was inspired to create the documentary after witnessing the experiences of National Guard soldiers who leave behind their families, jobs, and more to serve their country. Mortensen's goal was to shed light on the sacrifices made by these men and women and to honor their bravery in the face of adversity.

In an interview, Mortensen reflected on the film's impact and the journeys of the soldiers it portrayed.

"The 20th anniversary of the deployment depicted in 'This is War' is an important reminder of the resilience and dedication of our National Guard members," he said. "Since the documentary was released, many of these soldiers have experienced both triumphs and challenges."

The documentary captured moments of intense combat, camaraderie, and the soldiers' profound sense of duty. It also highlighted the toll that war takes on individuals and their families and the importance of community support in times of need.

As we mark two decades since the deployment depicted in "This is War," it serves as a tribute to the sacrifices made by the men and women of the Oregon National Guard and all those who have served their country. It reminds us of the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring legacy of those who answered the call to duty in the face of adversity.

Watch the documentary here: https://vimeo.com/956192350




Released video interview: https://dvidshub.net/r/6527no

Released photos:

240407-A-FS713-5913 Gary Mortensen pauses for a photo at the Stoller Family Winery in Dayton, Ore., April 7, 2024, after conducting an interview to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the deployment of the Oregon National Guard unit he depicted in the film "This is War".

240407-A-FS713-2762 Gary Mortensen pauses for a photo with Oregon National Guard public affairs officer Maj. Chris Clyne at the Stoller Family Winery in Dayton, Ore., April 7, 2024, after conducting an interview to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the deployment of the Oregon National Guard unit he depicted in the film "This is War".

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