Oregon State Police

Emergency Messages as of 10:26 PM, Wed. Mar 12

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News Release

The Oregon State Police Is Seeking Public Assistance Regarding The Unlawful Take And Waste Of A Bull Elk Near Mist- Columbia County (Photo) -11/01/21

On October 23, 2021, OSP responded to the report of a bull elk shot near Mist. The bull was located near Lane Creek Mainline off of the Columbia River Mainline near milepost 21. This is on a Weyerhaeuser drive-in permit area in Columbia County.

Four quarters of meat were taken but the rest was left to waste. The unlawful take happened between October 22, 2021, and the morning of October 23, 2021.   

The Oregon State Police is requesting public assistance with information about this waste.  Any person with information related to this incident is encouraged to call the OSP TIP (Turn-In-Poachers) Reward line at 1-800-452-7888 or by cell at *OSP (*677) or send an email tip to TIP@osp.oregon.gov.  Reference case # SP21300901

** Report Wildlife and Habitat Law Violators**

How to Report a Wildlife and/or Habitat Law Violation or Suspicious Activity:

TIP Hotline: 1-800-452-7888 or *OSP (677) TIP E-Mail: TIP@state.or.us

 The Oregon Hunters Association TIP reward offers preference points or cash rewards for information leading to an arrest or issuance of a citation for the unlawful take/possession or waste of Bighorn Sheep, Rocky Mountain Goat, Moose, Elk, Deer, Antelope, Bear, Cougar, Wolf, Upland Birds, Waterfowl, Furbearers, Game Fish and Shellfish. Cash rewards can also be awarded for turning in people who destroy habitat, illegally obtain licenses/tags, and for the unlawful lending/borrowing of big game tags.

Preference Point Rewards:

* 5 Points-Bighorn Sheep

* 5 Points-Rocky Mountain Goat

* 5 Points-Moose

* 5 Points-Wolf

* 4 Points-Elk

* 4 Points-Deer

* 4 Points-Antelope

* 4 Points-Bear

* 4 Points-Cougar 

Cash Rewards:

* $1,000 Bighorn Sheep, Rocky Mountain Goat and Moose 

* $500 Elk, Deer and Antelope 

* $300 Bear, Cougar and Wolf 

* $300 Habitat Destruction

* $200 Illegally Obtaining License/Tag(s)

* $200 Unlawful Lend/Borrow Big Game Tags(s) 

* $100 Upland Birds and Waterfowl 

* $100 Furbearers 

* $100 Game Fish and Shellfish

Attached Media Files: Elk.jpg,