Oregon State Police

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News Release

UPDATE ARREST MADE - Oregon State Medical Examiner Identifies Body Found In Phoenix, OR On April 4, 2019 - Jackson County -07/05/19

On Friday, July 5, 2019, the Oregon State Police arrested 36 year old Daniel James Burda for the death of Dennis Day. This investigation was worked cooperatively with the Jackson County District Attorney’s office.

Burda was lodged in the Jackson County Jail on the following charges:

  • Manslaughter II
  • Criminally Negligent Homicide
  • Abuse of a Corpse II
  • Criminal Mistreatment
  • Identity Theft

This is still an active investigation and there will be no further comment at this time.


Below is a timeline of significant events in the Dennis Day investigation.

On July 13, 2018, the Phoenix Police Department and Jackson County Fire District #5 responded to the residence at 510 Pine St. Phoenix, on a medical call.  Henry (aka: Ernie) Caswell (Day’s Husband) had fallen several times. Henry was transported to the hospital and later a care facility where he has been residing since.

On July 17, 2018, the Phoenix Police Department learns that Dennis Day is going to visit friends and would be back in several days. Phoenix Police Department conduct several welfare checks at the residence over the next several weeks.

On July 26, 2018, Oregon State Police responds to a domestic disturbance call on Hwy 42 near milepost 30 in Coos County.  A male and female were in possession of a vehicle that belonged to Dennis Day. The female (driver) was cited for driving while suspended and the vehicle was impounded.

On July 27, 2018, Phoenix Police Department enters Dennis Day as missing in LEDS/NCIC. They then conducted another search of the house and were UTL any persons.

On August 8, 2018, Phoenix Police Department receives a report of “bad smell” coming from 510 Pine St.  Officers respond and notes “nothing observed or smelled in the area”.

On January 28, 2019, a meeting was held involving Phoenix Police Department, Jackson County Sheriff’s office and the Oregon State Police to discuss the case.  The Sheriff’s office and OSP each provide a detective to assist. 

On April 4, 2019, Phoenix Police Department obtain the use of cadaver dog and locate a body in the house.

On April 4, 2019, the Jackson County Major Assault Death Investigation Unit (MADIU) is activated and the Oregon State Police becomes the lead agency.

On June 6, 2019, the Medical Examiner’s office has identified the body found in the residence under strong circumstantial evidence.


On June 6, 2019, the Oregon State Medical Examiner’s office identified the body found in the residence listed in previous release by investigation, evidence, and other information as that of missing person, Dennis Day. Despite their efforts, investigators were unable to utilize dental records or DNA due to the condition of the remains.

The investigation remains ongoing by the Oregon State Police.


On Thursday, April 4, 2019, the Medford Assault and Death Investigation Unit (MADIU) was contacted by the Phoenix Police Department after human remains were discovered at 510 Pine Street in Phoenix, Oregon.

Oregon State Police investigators were assigned to lead the death investigation and are being assisted by the Jackson County District Attorney’s Office, Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, Medford Police Department, and the Oregon State Police Forensics Lab.

At this time, the human remains have not been identified and the investigation is ongoing.

MADIU consists of investigators from the Jackson County District Attorney’s Office, Medford Police Department, Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, Central Point Police Department, Ashland Police Department, and the Oregon State Police.