Oregon State Fire Marshal
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News Release
OSFM pre-positioning two task forces in Central Oregon this weekend - 08/02/24

SALEM, Ore. – With hot temperatures, Red Flag Warnings in place, and lightning in the forecast, the Oregon State Fire Marshal is pre-positioning two structural task forces in Central Oregon. The task forces are from Lincoln and Polk counties.  

The task forces have 26 firefighters, eight engines, and two water tenders.  

Pre-positioning resources is a tool the OSFM has because of 2021’s Senate Bill 762. These resources are not assigned to a specific incident but are added capacity for initial attack on any new fires. The two task forces will be pre-positioned for 72 hours and could be extended for up to two weeks if needed.  

“With the immense wildfire activity we have seen so far this summer, we are taking this proactive step to prepare for yet another increased threat of new fire starts,” Oregon State Fire Marshal Mariana Ruiz-Temple said. “We are moving into the heart of our typical wildfire season, and it is important now more than ever that Oregonians and visitors practice wildfire prevention. Please help our firefighters by being wildfire aware.” 

The Oregon State Fire Marshal offers a wide range of resources to help Oregonians and visitors be prepared for and know how to prevent sparking a wildfire. Please visit the wildfire prevention webpage on the agency’s website 

The OSFM has four task forces from Clackamas, Clatsop, Washington, and Yamhill counties and its Green Incident Management Team assigned to the Telephone Fire in Harney County. The Emergency Conflagration Act was invoked for the fire on Thursday, marking the tenth this summer. 

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