Ore. School Boards Assn.
Emergency Messages as of 12:10 am, Sat. Jul. 27
No information currently posted.
News Release
Sami Al-AbdRabbuh
Sami Al-AbdRabbuh
School Board Members of Color Caucus (OSBMCC) issues a statement calling for the resignation of Clackamas County Commissioner Mark Shull - 01/22/21

Together, as school board members, we represent all of our diverse communities
and families in our respective districts, and we stand united in shock and
disappointment over comments written, shared, and endorsed by Clackamas County
Commissioner Mark Shull on social media.

His deeply hateful and hostile rhetoric cast dangerous bigotry and intolerance on
many historically and presently marginalized groups, including Muslims, immigrants,
and trans individuals. In his role as an elected official Mark Shull took an oath to
advocate, support and represent all constituents in his county, regardless of their
race, religion, ethnicity, class, and protected status. The volume and breadth of the
Commissioner’s comments demonstrate a severe disconnect with the shared values
of Clackamas County and the region, and we have lost any trust in his ability to serve
the county equitably and justly. As the Oregon School Board Members of Color
Caucus, we join many other lawmakers and elected officials in calling on
Commissioner Shull to resign immediately.

To all the students and families in Clackamas County and beyond targeted by
Commissioner Shull’s rhetoric, we stand with you and take our roles very seriously in
providing a safe environment for all, as well as equitable representation and
treatment towards every member of our communities. We stand together as a
Caucus and continue to commit to protect and uplift all of the people we represent,
and to speak out against racism, hate, bigotry and other forms of intolerance that
have no place in our State.

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