Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution Reports In-custody Death (Photo) -08/08/24
An Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) adult in custody, Louis Taiyon Apo, passed away the evening of August 7, 2024. Apo was incarcerated at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution (EOCI) in Pendleton and passed away at a local hospital while on hospice care. As with all in-custody deaths, the Oregon State Police have been notified.
Apo entered DOC custody on November 17, 2020, from Deschutes County, with an earliest release date of October 28, 2044. Apo was 77 years old. Next of kin has been notified.
DOC takes all in-custody deaths seriously. The agency is responsible for the care and custody of approximately 12,000 men and women who are incarcerated in 12 institutions across the state. While crime information is public record, DOC elects to disclose only upon request out of respect for any family or victims.
EOCI is a multi-custody prison located in Pendleton that houses over 1,550 adults in custody. The institution is known for its Oregon Corrections Enterprises industries, including a garment factory that produces Prison Blues©, whose products are sold in and outside the United States. Other industries are its embroidery and laundry facilities. EOCI provides a range of correctional programs and services including education, drug and alcohol treatment, mental health treatment, religious services, and work crews. The buildings that make up EOCI were constructed in 1912 and 1913 and were originally used as a state mental hospital. After two years of renovation, EOCI received its first occupants in June 1985.