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News Release
Recreational Trails Program accepting grant applications for trail projects - 09/03/24

SALEM, Oregon— The Recreational Trails Program is accepting grant applications through Nov. 15 for the approximately $1.6 million in grant funds available for the 2024 grant cycle. 

Grants are available for trail construction, heavy restoration, trailhead facilities, trail building and maintenance equipment, land or easement acquisitions, safety and education, trail assessments for accessibility or maintenance and water trails.

The federally funded reimbursement grant program provides matching grants to construct, expand or improve public trails for motorized and non-motorized use. Interested applicants must submit a letter of intent via https://oprdgrants.org by Sep. 30. Applications due Nov. 15.

An optional webinar is scheduled 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Sept. 11 to provide information on the program and how to navigate the application process. Registration is required: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YcBVw4OpQseoi6GZQgYffg#/registration. A recording of the webinar will be posted on the Recreational Trails Program web page shortly afterward at https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/GRA/Pages/GRA-rtp.aspx

The grant program is open to local governments, park districts, state and federal agencies, tribal governments, other public land managers, and nonprofits.

The Recreational Trails Program is funded through the Federal Highway Administration and administered by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD). Since 1993, the program has funded over 550 projects across Oregon.

Information about the program, including the grant manual, application instructions and program schedule, is on the Recreational Trails Program web page: https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/GRA/Pages/GRA-rtp.aspx

Questions can be directed to Jodi Bellefeuille, Recreational Trails Program coordinator, at jodi.bellefeuille@oprd.oregon.gov or 503-856-6316.

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