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News Release
Public hearing on application for Ocean Shore Alteration Permit in Depoe Bay - 07/23/24

DEPOE BAY, Oregon— A virtual public hearing will be held 5:30 p.m. Aug. 14 to take public testimony on Ocean Shore Alteration Application number 3051 to build a riprap revetment west of SeaRidge Condominiums in Depoe Bay. 

The permit application requests to construct an approximately 600-foot-long riprap revetment on the Ocean Shore State Recreation Area west of the condominiums at 4175 N. Hwy 101 in Depoe Bay. Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) regulates ocean shore activities including reviewing alteration permits.

The hearing includes an introduction by staff, and then the applicant will be provided an opportunity to clearly identify how the application substantially and factually includes information that demonstrates the proposal meets the review standard set forth in OAR 736-020-0003 through 736-020-0030. 

The public will then be provided an opportunity to present testimony.  Anyone wishing to testify must pre-register, each registered individual will be provided up to 3 minutes to testify. Within 45-days after the hearing, OPRD will make a permit decision. This decision will include consideration of public comment received during the public notice and this hearing.

Following OPRD’s initial evaluation of this application, it is not clear whether the proposal meets the applicable review standards. The Department must “determine if the granting of such permit would in any way be detrimental to the interests and safety of the public and to the preservation of the natural resource, scenic, recreational and economic values of the ocean shore” (OAR 736-020-0003(7)). 

This hearing is an opportunity for the department to further develop a factual basis for a permit decision based on the review standards, including whether the application demonstrates:

  • There are no reasonable alternatives to the proposed design or construction methods that would better protect the ocean shore, including recreation, scenic, and natural resources.
  • The proposed project was designed to avoid and minimize damage to, and retain the scenic attraction of, the known ancient forest remnants.
  • The project avoids impact to properties not owned by the applicant, unless agreed to by the landowner.

The submitted materials for application 3051, can be viewed under the heading of “Pending Applications” at https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/prp/pages/per-ocean-shore.aspx.

Register at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2l_2kNRdR-C0ml4eTYSaaA#/registration to attend the Zoom meeting or call Allison Mangini, 541-220-3786, allison.mangini@oprd.oregon.gov   by noon Aug. 13 to be added to the attendee list.

Following the hearing, registered attendees may provide written testimony until 5 p.m. Aug.  19.  Submit by sending to: 


P.O. Box 2139 

Waldport, OR 97394 

Contact Ocean Shore Permit Coordinator, Tyler Blanchette 503-510-6741, Tyler.Blanchette@oprd.oregon.gov, for questions about permit application process.

The services, programs and activities of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department are covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need special accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact Allison Mangini at 541-220-3786, allison.mangini@oprd.oregon.gov by 5 p.m. Aug. 8.

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