Oregon Nurses Assn.
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News Release
Providence Medford Medical Center Cancels Scheduled Bargaining Session - 06/22/24

(Medford, Ore.) - Providence Medford Medical Center has canceled the bargaining session with the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) scheduled for June 24, 2024. The bargaining session was intended to include a federal mediator but, when no mediator was available, ONA nurses offered to meet with Providence Medford executives anyway, seeking to make progress on a fair contract as soon as possible.  

According to an email sent to ONA representatives on June 21, Providence decided not to participate in the bargaining session without the mediator and instead wants to reschedule for mid to late July.

“Providence has consistently accused ONA of canceling bargaining dates in the press, but here we see Providence doing the same thing they accuse nurses of doing,” said ONA Chief of Staff Scott Palmer. “Our nurses engaged in a good faith effort to continue working towards a resolution and a fair contract, but Providence said no.”

Hundreds of nurses and supporters have been gathered outside Providence Medford for the past 5 days, rallying for fair treatment and better working conditions. Despite the hardships imposed by both the three-day strike and the illegal two-day lockout, nurses have stood ready to return to the negotiating table in good faith.  

ONA remains committed to seeking a fair contract and we will respond to Providence’s request to push bargaining back to July once we have determined our bargaining team’s availability.  

The Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) represents a diverse community of 20,000 nurses, and health care professionals throughout Oregon. Together, we use our collective power to advocate for critical issues impacting patients, nurses, and healthcare professionals including a more effective, affordable and accessible healthcare system; better working conditions for all healthcare professionals; and healthier communities. For more information visit www.OregonRN.org.


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