Yachats Lions Vision Screening On February 18, 2025 -02/05/25
In partnership with the Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation's (OLSHF) SVS program the Yachats Lions will be offering Vision Screening for our Home School children in South Lincoln County as well as those attending the YYFAP preschool. The screening will occur at the Lions Hall from 9am to 4pm on Tuesday, February 18th and is available for ages 3 to 18. It is also open to anyone other child that might have missed the screening at their public, private, or charter school.
Please visit https://yachatslionsclub.org/2025-yachats-lions-vision-screening-feb-18th/ for more info about this event and the Yachats Lions.
At the time of the screening parents will be provided a handout with the results of the screening and some information on next steps. Unlike our statewide SVS program, where we are often reimbursed by the state, this screening will be funded by the Lions and OLSHF.
We hope to see many children and their families and are looking forward to making this an annual event. There is no need to contact us in advance.
Established in 1950, the Yachats Lions Club serves Yachats and South Lincoln County. With our
motto of "WE SERVE" we provide service for eyeglasses and exams, hearing aids and exams,
eye screening in Lincoln County schools, pancake breakfasts, crab feed, lunch bunch, speaker
series, peace poster and flag day events in our schools, and community use of our clubhouse.
Through community donations to the Yachats Lions Thrift Store our sales allow us to donate to
local, student scholarships, food pantries, school programs, projects, and upkeep of the
clubhouse. In addition, donations are made to Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing as well as Lions
Club International Foundation.
Lions Club International is the world's largest service club organization with a network of 1.4
million men and women in more than 200 countries and geographical locations. We serve
where we live, as well as globally, and we have fun doing it.