Oregon Dept. of State Lands
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News Release
State Land Board Appoints Elliott State Research Forest Board of Directors - 06/11/24

The new board will guide management of the nation’s largest research forest, shaping research, conservation, and economic outcomes

SALEM, Ore – The State Land Board today appointed the first voting members of the Elliott State Research Forest Board of Directors. 

The six ESRF Board members appointed are: 

  • Melissa Cribbins of Coos Bay.
  • Peter Hayes of Portland. 
  • Haley Lutz of Coos Bay. 
  • Mike Kennedy of Siletz. 
  • Bob Sallinger of Portland. 
  • Keith Tymchuk of Reedsport.

Brief biographies of the ESRF Board members are available here.

Many volunteer advisory group members have contributed to advancing and shaping the ESRF over the years, bringing diverse perspectives and commitment to the State Land Board’s vision of a research forest

“This has been a remarkable journey toward a remarkable research forest, one that simply would not have been possible without the effort, engagement, compromises, and determination of all those who volunteered their time on past advisory groups,” said Department of State Lands Director Vicki L. Walker. 

Appointment of the ESRF Board will continue to ensure accountability, transparency, and meaningful engagement in operation of the Elliott as a public research forest.  The ESRF Board will guide management of the research forest, with authority to shape research, conservation, economic and social outcomes of relevance at the local, statewide, national, and international level.

The ESRF Board will ultimately consist of seven or nine voting members appointed by the State Land Board and one nonvoting member designated by the ESRF’s lead research entity. DSL will bring additional candidates forward for consideration at a future State Land Board meeting, with the goal of adding additional experience and expertise in areas of forest products or timber operations, research science or research forest management, and Indigenous interests.

The ESRF Board is anticipated to begin meeting later this month. Join DSL’s Elliott State Research Forest email list to receive meeting notices and other research forest updates.

About the ESRF Board of Directors: In April 2024, the State Land Board approved a research forest oversight structure that includes appointment of an ESRF Board of Directors. This oversight structure included the creation of a new ESRF Board of Directors that will: 

  • Provide advice and make recommendations to the Department regarding planning, operational implementation, fiscal and budgetary matters, research and management, reports, and other matters relevant to the effective administration and oversight of the ESRF.
  • Review materials presented by the Department as well as public input, and advance ESRF oversight, advice, and recommendations in a manner that strives to ensure consistency with the ESRF's foundational direction and documents.

About the State Land Board and the Department of State Lands: The State Land Board consists of Governor Tina Kotek, Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade and State Treasurer Tobias Read. Established by the Oregon Constitution in 1859, the Land Board oversees the state’s Common School Fund. The Department of State Lands is the Land Board’s administrative agency, managing the lands and resources that help fund Oregon’s public schools and protecting the state’s waterways and wetlands for the many benefits they provide.




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