Nominate An Outstanding Teacher In Your Life -01/27/25
You know the one. The teacher who changed your life. They helped you accomplish a big goal. They believed in you. Sometimes, you still hear their voice in your head when you need guidance. Fast forward to today, thousands of teachers are leaving their mark on future leaders.
Nominate an outstanding teacher by Feb. 6.
The nomination process is quick, and the teacher can decide whether they'd like to apply.
Details about how it actually works are below:
- You nominate one or more outstanding teachers by Feb. 6. Teachers must have an active teaching license, must teach preK through 12th grade in an Oregon public school and should be planning to teach during the 2025-26 school year.
- The Oregon Department of Education invites all nominees to apply by April 6.
- Evaluating committees organized by Oregon's 19 ESDs will review applications and select regional winners in the spring.
- Regional winners will be announced in the fall of 2025. Every regional winner receives $1,000 at a special recognition ceremony and will be considered for statewide recognition.
- The Oregon Department of Education in partnership with the Oregon Lottery announces Oregon's Teacher of the Year a few weeks after regional winners are announced. The statewide winner receives a gift of $10,000 as well as a special fund to cover travel costs for the year and an additional gift of $5,000 for their school.
- Read more about the process.
We were thrilled to recognize Forest Grove third grade teacher Kayla Davidson as our Regional Teacher of the Year in September.
To celebrate Davidson's award, the Fern Hill community came together for an assembly led by Principal Rogelio Martinez. They were joined by Forest Grove Superintendent Dr. Suzanne West, Forest Grove Board Chair Kristy Kottkey, Oregon State Senator Janeen Sollman and NWRESD Board Member Doug Dougherty. Her fiancé surprised her with a bouquet of flowers and traditional lei ceremony during the event.
"Her students come to her with diverse needs and Kayla meets all of them where they are, supports and pushes them to be the best they can be," said one colleague in Davidson's nomination. "We can see from the data that her students feel welcomed, supported, and excited to come to school and learn."