Multnomah Co. Sheriff's Office

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News Release

Law Enforcement Activity On Mississippi Avenue In North Portland (Photo) -12/08/20

On Tuesday, December 8, 2020, at approximately 5 a.m., the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, with the assistance of the Portland Police Bureau, revisited a property in the 4400 block of Mississippi Ave. in North Portland to re-secure a home in which the occupants were previously ordered removed by court order.

The Multnomah County Circuit Court issued a writ of execution for an eviction at the address in February 2020, commanding the Sheriff’s Office to serve the judge’s order. MCSO is responsible for civil enforcement in Multnomah County. The Sheriff’s Office has no discretion in these matters as state law requires sheriff’s offices to follow all orders of the Courts. The judgment was issued prior to state and federal emergency moratoriums. The eviction moratoriums do not apply to evictions based on post-nonjudicial foreclosures, such as this case. For background on the judge’s order, please contact the Public Information Officer at the Oregon Judicial Department.

On September 9th, MCSO deputies served the court order to individuals living at the address. As with any civil enforcement service, MCSO provided the occupants time to gather their possessions and offered housing and shelter options and other additional resources.

During this morning’s visit, housing and food assistance were again provided to everyone on the property. Anyone who needs additional services may call 2-1-1. Deputies and officers made several arrests and recovered weapons. This information will be posted at a later time.

“We understand evictions are challenging proceedings even in the best of circumstances,” Sheriff Mike Reese said. “I believe everyone should have access to appropriate housing.”

According to the Portland Police Bureau, neighbors reported significant livability, public safety and public health concerns. Since the September 9th, individuals have converged on the property by trespassing on the home’s front and backyards, and camping on adjacent privately owned and city-owned properties. Law enforcement also learned the home was broken into and that people were entering and exiting despite the judge’s order.

Data captured by PPB shows over the three-month period, from September 1 to November 30, 2020, at least 81 calls for service were placed for issues related to this property and the immediate area. Calls for service included, but were not limited to, fights, disturbances, shots fired, burglary, thefts, vandalism, noise violations, trespassing, threats, including by armed individuals, and for illegally blocking traffic, sidewalks and access to homes. For information regarding neighborhood livability impacts, contact the Portland Police Bureau.

PPB officers are assisting the Sheriff’s Office at the location and streets near the properties may be closed for safety reasons. The properties will be turned over to the private owners to secure their properties. Neighbors are encouraged to continue reporting any criminal activity associated with these properties in the future.


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