Multnomah Co. Sheriff's Office

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News Release

Unified Command: Two Arrested In Downtown Protest, Officers Interrupt Possible Arson Attempt (Photo) -11/03/20

On Monday, November 2, 2020, individuals gathered at Director Park, 815 SW Park Ave., in Downtown Portland. At about 8:45 p.m., the group, of about 100, began to march in the direction of Portland State University. Fifteen minutes later, the group arrived at the PSU Public Safety Office. Some individuals in the group began breaking windows and entered the reception area. As the group moved west, individuals smashed windows the University’s Cramer Hall and Smith Memorial Student Union. The group continued moving west on SW Montgomery St. Individuals focused on the Starbucks located in the ground floor of an apartment building on Montgomery St. People broke windows and entered the business.

At about 9:15 p.m., the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, Portland Police Bureau and Oregon State Police operating under a unified command structure declared the gathering an unlawful assembly due to criminal activity occurring and ordered individuals to disperse. During the response, officers interrupted a possible arson attempt. Officers found a flammable liquid spread throughout the inside of the business. Officers dispersed individuals and performed high visibility patrols for the next hour. Individuals eventually dispersed.

Two arrests were made. Among the items seized from those arrested was a tire iron, dumbbell, body armor, gas masks and umbrella among other miscellaneous items.

  • Kaiave James Douvia, 22: Criminal mischief in the first degree (Class C felony), burglary in the second degree (Class C felony), disorderly conduct in the second degree (Class B misdemeanor).
  • Connor Austin, 25: Interfering with a peace officer.

Attached Media Files: 1.jpg, 2.jpg, Liquid.jpg, armor.JPG, iron.png,