Unified Command: Public Gathering Of Concern (Photo) -11/02/20
We are aware of a gathering that is being promoted tonight as a “direct action” event at Director’s Park in Downtown Portland at 8 p.m. This event has raised concerns, and we want the public to be aware of the potential for violence. In the past, direct action events have led to criminal activity. Some individuals attending these events have engaged in criminal behavior, such as vandalism, arson and reckless burning, burglary, intimidation, assault and possession or use of weapons unlawfully, and have intimidated public members and journalists. On social media, event organizers are openly asking participants to not livestream the gathering.
The First Amendment protects the right to conduct a peaceful public assembly; it does not protect or allow for criminal conduct. Our joint law enforcement efforts will focus on supporting lawful engagement in free speech and assembly and also addressing criminal acts that decrease the safety of our community. If you plan to engage in lawful activities, be aware of those around you and their intentions, adhere to the direction of public safety officials, and report criminal acts.
Under the unified command structure, law enforcement agencies will work collaboratively to keep our election season safe. Please continue to stay informed by following these agencies on Twitter: @ORStatePolice @MultCoSO and @PortlandPolice
Our collective focus in on increasing and enhancing public safety regardless of ideology or political affiliation. As we become aware of incidents or events that have the potential to negatively impact the safety of the public, we will continue to inform the public.
Anyone with information about criminal behavior being planned for election disruption or civil unrest or observes criminal behavior during this event or learns of it after an event, is asked to share it by email to CrimeTips@portlandoregon.gov. ###