Lincoln City Police
Emergency Messages as of 8:07 pm, Fri. Jul. 26
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News Release
Lincoln City Police Department Wins Award (Photo) - 06/05/24

On Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 the Lincoln City Police Department was awarded the LEXIPOL Gold Plaque award.  LEXIPOL is a policy management and training program designed to enhance officer knowledge and to standardize department procedures.

In receiving this award, the Lincoln City Police Department has shown a dedication to updating our policies and procedures, as well as training our officers. It is important for law enforcement agencies to keep up-to-date with the most recent case law, criminal procedures, and ethical standards.

The Lincoln City Police Department would also like to recognize Lieutenant Jeffrey Winn. Lt Winn spearheads the LEXIPOL program at our department and is instrumental in ensuring officers are completing their training.  He also creates and update our policies on a regular basis.  Without his work, our department would not have achieved this award.

Submitted By: Sergeant Torin Liden


Attached Media Files: Dept_Building.jpg
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