Lincoln City Police

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News Release

New K-9 Officer On Patrol In Lincoln City (Photo) -06/02/22

The Lincoln City Police Department is pleased to introduce the newest handler in our department’s K-9 unit—Officer Jarett Villafane, who is the new partner of K9 Nato.

Officer Villafane, who joined LCPD as a lateral hire in 2020, was selected to be K9 Nato’s handler after completing a thorough selection process. Officer Villafane and K9 Nato were immediately sent to an in-state, six-week long K-9 team certification training course, which is required before the K-9 team can start their patrol duties together. Officer Villafane and K9 Nato have successfully completed that certification course, and are now patrolling the city together. 

K9 Nato and Officer Villafane join K9 Nix and Officer Cody Snidow to make up the two Lincoln City K-9 teams, both of which are patrol K-9s specially trained in tracking and apprehension. However, these K-9s are not only used to track and apprehend criminal suspects, but can also be used to track and find missing persons as well. 

The members of the Lincoln City Police Department are grateful for the overwhelming support we receive from our community and its citizens, and from our City Council members and City Administration who make it possible for LCPD to employ resources, such as our K-9 teams, to better serve our community.

Attached Media Files: Nato.jpg,