Lebanon Fire District
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News Release
Life Jacket Kiosk Open 2023
Life Jacket Kiosk Open 2023
Lebanon Fire District Opens Life Jacket Loaner Kiosks (Photo) - 05/25/23

Lebanon, Ore.

The Lebanon Fire District is pleased to announce the seasonal opening of our life jacket kiosks. Just in time for Memorial Day weekend, the three kiosks located at Waterloo North boat ramp, Waterloo South boat ramp, and Gill’s Landing are open for free, same-day use to the public.


Before borrowing a life jacket, borrowers must fill out a waiver form either electronically or on paper. Fitting guides are provided on the kiosks to assist with picking out the correct sized life jacket. Life jackets are for same-day use, and should be returned to the kiosks before leaving the park for the day.


As previously shared, the Lebanon Fire District has seen a substantial decrease (70%) in swift water rescues since the launch of this program in July of 2019. Over 800 life jackets have been borrowed since then. 


If you have any questions about our life jacket kiosks, or are interested in making a donation to the program, please contact our Fire & Life Safety Division at (541) 451-1901.


Enjoy the water safely!

Attached Media Files: Life Jacket Kiosk Open 2023
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