Lane Co. Sheriff's Office
Emergency Messages as of 5:28 pm, Tue. Oct. 22
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News Release
Media Opportunity: Lane County Sheriff's Office to host Every 15 Minutes program at Lowell High School - 10/21/24

Every 15 Minutes is a two-day underage impaired driving prevention program centered around the statistic that someone in the United States is killed as the result of an alcohol related crash every 15 minutes. While this exact numerical statistic has fluctuated year-to-year, impairment-related collisions remain the leading cause of death among teenage youth.   

This week on October 22nd and October 23rd, the Lane County Sheriff’s Office, in conjunction with the Lowell Rural Fire Protection District and the Lowell School District, is taking a proactive step in educating local high school students about making mature decisions when intoxicating substances and driving distractors are involved.  

The program challenges teens to think before using any impairing substances and operating any type of motor vehicle, or riding in one with an impaired operator.  It also focuses on the impact those decisions have on family, friends, and the people you leave behind when someone is killed as a result of an impaired driving crash.

Times of media opportunity

Tuesday October 22nd: Mock car crash at the Lowell City Hall (70 N. Pioneer St., Lowell). This staged car crash will involve student occupants with a DUII driver, someone who is killed, and several injured subjects.  Law enforcement, fire, and paramedics will respond and work this crash as they would any real crash. The crash will begin promptly at 2 p.m. and end between 2:45 and 3:00 p.m. (We request media arrive at the crash scene no later than 1:45 p.m. as to not interfere with responding emergency personnel as the crash scene is in an area which can easily become congested.)

The mock crash scene is open to the public.

Wednesday October 23rd: Community assembly located in the gymnasium at Lowell High School. A representative from the Sheriff’s Office will be narrating the assembly which will include speakers who have lost loved ones to impaired driving crashes. Involved students and parents will also speak about their experience with this program. The assembly will begin at 10:00 a.m. and conclude at approximately 11:30 a.m.

This assembly is open to the public.

Further questions regarding the event can be directed to Sgt. Tim Wallace at 541-520-2646.

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