About FlashAlert on Twitter:
FlashAlert utilizes the free service Twitter to distribute emergency text messages. While you are welcome to register your cell phone text message address directly into the FlashAlert system, we recommend that you simply "follow" the FlashAlert account for Lane Co. Sheriff's Office by clicking on the link below and logging in to (or creating) your free Twitter account. Twitter sends messages out exceptionally fast thanks to arrangements they have made with the cell phone companies.
Click here to add Lane Co. Sheriff's Office to your Twitter account or create one.
The following area near Goshen is at a Level 2 (Be Set) evacuation notification:
Level 2 means: You must prepare to leave at a moment’s notice, and this may be the only notice that you receive.
Public safety personnel cannot guarantee they will be able to notify you if conditions rapidly deteriorate. Continue to closely monitor your phone, local media and www.LaneCountyOR.gov for information.
An evacuation map is available athttps://bit.ly/3YQVqtd.
Residents are encouraged to sign up for emergency alerts at www.LaneAlerts.org.