Lane Co. Sheriff's Office
Emergency Messages as of 4:58 pm, Sun. Oct. 6
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News Release
7/8/24 - LCSO Case #24-3619 - Deputies arrest arson suspect in the Cedar Flat area (Photo) - 07/08/24

On July 8th at about 4:45 p.m., Lane County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a report of an arson in the 87400 block of Cedar Flat Road. Fire personnel and witnesses advised a male had intentionally set two fires in dry grass on the property. Deputies deployed a K9, and were assisted by Oregon State Police troopers as well as a Springfield Police K9 and drones from the Springfield and Eugene Police Departments.

Area residents began checking their security cameras and spreading the word to their neighbors as deputies, troopers, and officers searched the area. Eventually, the suspect was spotted in the 8700 block of Thurston Road. Deputies and officers quickly responded and arrested the suspect, identified as Michael David Dinwiddie, 41, of Springfield. He was lodged at the Lane County Jail for Arson in the 1st Degree and Burglary in the 2nd Degree.

Thanks to the many residents who watched out for their neighborhood and assisted with locating the suspect. 

Attached Media Files: Cedar_Flat_Arrest.png
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