Lane Co. Sheriff's Office
Emergency Messages as of 1:24 am, Sat. Jul. 27
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News Release
Life Jacket Exchange to be held on June 15th thanks to Springfield Elks Lodge donation (Photo) - 06/06/24

Lane County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue and the Springfield Elks Club will be holding a Life Jacket Exchange on June 15th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Springfield Elks lodge, located at 1701 Centennial Blvd, Springfield. The program’s mission is to ensure every child playing in or near the water has a properly fitting life jacket. 

Bring your child and their outgrown or lightly used life jacket to the Springfield Elks Club parking lot on June 15th and exchange it for a properly fitting child’s life jacket. The Lane County Sheriff’s Office and local Elks will be there to help check jackets for form, fit, and function. Life jackets that are turned in for exchange are inspected for safety and handed back out at the event.  Any additional life jackets left over after the event will be distributed to life jacket loaner stations throughout the county.

This event is first come first served and the child will need to be present to ensure they get a proper size.

The Life Jacket Exchange was a staple of the Lane County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue for many years thanks to community donations. The Springfield Elks Lodge generously donated life jackets and their facility for the event this year. We are excited to offer this program again to ensure the safety of our community’s children while they enjoy Lane County’s many beautiful water ways.  

Attached Media Files: Life_Jacket_Exchange_Flyer.png
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